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Surface Normal Deviation of points in FCF

ok, so here's what i'm trying to do...

i have a profile,

i would like the the surface normal deviation of the points in a table like this

t1 t2 t3 t4
t5 t6 t7 t8

instead of the long table of xyz ijk

i need it from the fcf b/c of the best fitting that has been done

i had tried

but this doesn't match the fcf deviations as they have been best fit

any ideas?


  • Thank you DJAMS for the original code

    You are most welcome Cappy - you really took the ball and ran with it!
  • Let's simplify this.

    HA! I will now think of you every time I use the DOT() function. (grrr...) Wink

  • here's what i did in c#

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using PCDLRN;
    namespace SurfaceNormals
        class Program
             * This progam generates a report that contains surface normal deviations for a profile dimension
             * in PC-DMIS.
             * Call this program from your PC-DMIS Part Program using an external command.
             * Pre-conditions:  PC-DMIS is open
             *                  PC-DMIS Part Program is Running
             *                  A variable exists in the current Part Program named "PROFILE_NAME"
             *                  A Variable exists in the current Part Program named "CUR_ALN"
             *                  A Variable exists in the current Part Program named "OUTHEADER"
             *                  A Variable exists in the current Part Program named "OUT_PATH"
             *                  A Variable exists in the current Part Program namde "PREC"
             *                  A Variable exists in the current Part Program named "NUMCOL"
             * Post Conditions: A file named <output path>_Surface normal Deviations.txt is created
             * Rev 0 - Cappy6124 
             * initial release
            static void Main(string[] args)
                IApplication pcdApp = new Application(); //Connect to PC-DMIS
                IPartProgram pcdProg = pcdApp.ActivePartProgram; //Connect to Active Part Program
                 * The variable "ProfileName" gets the value of the variable "PROFILE_NAME" from PC-DMIS
                 * This is the name of the profile to get the surface normal deviations from.
                Variable ProfileName = pcdProg.GetVariableValue("PROFILE_NAME");
                 * Alignment name is the name of the alignment that the SND are relative to.
                 * This value comes from the PC-DMIS variable "CUR_ALN"
                Variable AlignmentName = pcdProg.GetVariableValue("CUR_ALN");
                 *outHeader is the Header of the Surface Normal Deviations that will be output
                 *Example: "Surface Normal Deviations for CW Hub Spline from TE to LE"
                 *This value comes from PC-DMIS
                string outHeader = pcdProg.GetVariableValue("OUTHEADER").StringValue;
                 * outPath is the out put file name supplied by the PC-DMIS variable "OUT_PATH"
                 * "_Surface normal Deviations.TXT" is appended to this string.
                string outPath = pcdProg.GetVariableValue("OUT_PATH").StringValue+"_Surface Normal Deviations.txt";
                System.IO.FileStream outFS; //Check to see if output file exists
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(outPath))
                    //if the output file does exist, append to it.
                    outFS = new System.IO.FileStream(outPath, System.IO.FileMode.Append, System.IO.FileAccess.Write);
                    //if the output file does not exist, create it.
                    outFS = new System.IO.FileStream(outPath, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate, System.IO.FileAccess.Write);
                System.IO.StreamWriter outSW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(outFS);//create a streamwriter
                Console.WriteLine(ProfileName.StringValue); //write the name of the profile for debugging
                //get the profile dimension command
                DimensionCmd dCmd = pcdProg.Commands.Item(ProfileName.StringValue).FCFCommand.ProfileDimension;
                //get the deviations from the profile command
                double[] d = dCmd.GetProfilePointInfos(ENUM_POINT_INFO_TYPES.DEVIATION_INFO, FDATA_COORDSYS.FDATA_PART, AlignmentName.StringValue);
                //create the output string
                string outString = "";
                 * prec is the PC-DMIS value of "PREC", this is the number of places after the decimal
                int prec = Convert.ToInt32(pcdProg.GetVariableValue("PREC").StringValue);
                //numcol is the number of columns to output
                int numCol = Convert.ToInt32(pcdProg.GetVariableValue("NUMCOL").StringValue);
                //format string is the format to output your values
                //it starts as " 0." -> if it is positive, put a space infront of the number
                string formatString = " 0.";
                //add the correct number of places to the format string
                //example if prec == 3 then format string == " 0.000"
                for (int i = 0; i < prec; i++)
                    formatString = formatString + "0";
                //add the condition for negative numbers (apply a "-" for a negative number to
                //the beginning of the number
                //add the correct numbe of places for the negative condition
                for (int i = 0; i < prec; i++)
                    formatString = formatString + "0";
                //foreach deviation 
                for (int i = 0; i <= d.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    //if the remainder of i/number of columns = 0 and i>0
                    if (i % numCol == 0 && i > 0)
                        //add a new line to the output string
                        outString = outString + Environment.NewLine;
                    //add the current deviation to the output string with some spaces for clarity
                    outString = outString + d[i].ToString(formatString) + "     ";
                //write the header
                //write the ouput string
                //flush the stream
                //close the stream

    Use the variables listed at the top of the program in PC-DMIS to supply info to the program
    then immediately after those variables call the external program.

    it only takes about .5 seconds to execute

    Thank you DJAMS for the original code

    Not sure how to execute this since it's in C#. Do I just save it with a .bas extension and call the script from within PCD like a VB script?