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Last used version of PC-DMIS

anyone know how to figure out what the last used version of PC-DMIS was? i tried getting the last access date from the executables, but that doesn't seem to ever change...

Thanks in advance

  • PC-DMIS stores its last run version in a registry key. I do something like this...

    Public Function GetLastVersionExecutable() As String
            Dim pcdRegKey As RegistryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("PCDLRN.Application\CLSID\", False)
            Dim pcdLast As String = pcdRegKey.GetValue("").ToString
            pcdRegKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\" & pcdLast & "\LocalServer32\", False)
            Dim pcdLastVersion As String = pcdRegKey.GetValue("").ToString
            Return pcdLastVersion
        End Function

    The 'Registry' class is part of Microsoft.Win32.
  • Thank you I thought it was a key somewhere but I couldn't find it

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  • No problem! Executable files generally do not modify themselves, and those that do are usually malicious in nature. In most cases you shouldn't see the last modified/access date change other than at install, on update, or if you mess with it somehow (copy/paste, etc.)