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In the earlier VB days, you had to have the Visual Basic runtime-modules installed that handled the VB interpretation in order for your program to "work".
You can create .NET Core apps that run on multiple OSes and CPUs. .NET Core runs on Windows. Ports are in progress for Linux, OS X and FreeBSD, as is integration with the LLVM compiler.
And today you need the .NET libraries installed, both for C# and vb.NET. But PC-DMIS needs that (.NET) too, so you don't see the problem...
And continuing on that track - as C# needs .NET, how can it be useful in any other environment than Windows? Have I missed something? Has the Mono project actually matured enough to be generally useful?
Microsoft is in the process of open-sourcing .NET, for the sole purpose of making it truly cross platform
MS open-sourced .NET Core under the quite permissive MIT license.
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