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vb.net how to execute part program and handle inputs

I'm trying to write a vb.net program to assist in updating our programs from V3.5MR2 to 2010MR3 and standardizing probe names. I have my program doing most of what I want except when executing the program most programs have operator inputs and I can't get past them without manual intervention. I can set the values in my vb.net program using .CommentCommand.Input but how do I either get it to not prompt for the input or "click ok" on the dialog? I'm using .ActivePartProgram.EXECUTE. Should I be using something else?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • I was able to get it to work by using ApplicationObjectEvents. I first watched all available events and found that OnOpenRemotePanelDialog gets fired when the input box is displayed and found machine object PressDone that clicks the OK button. I found that OnUpdateStatusMessage reports "Execution complete" when the program is done executing so I created a while loop that clicks the continue button until completion reported.

    Here is my program that changes the probe name, adds a revision line, removes Print report and executes the program.

    ' copied from http://www.pcdmisforum.com/showthread.php?26953-Script-to-make-a-change-in-all-programs/page2
    ' original creator ewe0006 01-09-2014
    ' modified 07-16-2014
    Public Class Form1
        Const ProgramDir = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\PC-DMIS\2010 MR3\"
        Const ProgramFileExt = "*.PRG"
        Private pcdApp As PCDLRN.Application
        Dim WithEvents AppEvents As PCDLRN.ApplicationObjectEvents
        Private pcdParts As PCDLRN.PartPrograms
        Private pcdActivePart As PCDLRN.PartProgram
        Private pcdCommands As PCDLRN.Commands
        Private pcdCommand As PCDLRN.Command
        Private pcdNextCommand As PCDLRN.Command
        Private pcdActiveCommand As PCDLRN.CommandsClass
        Private pcdMachine As PCDLRN.Machine
        Private pcdExecuteWindow As PCDLRN.ExecutionWindow
        Dim progExecuteOk As Boolean = False
        Private ChangeList As New List(Of String)
    Private Sub Form1_Load( ByVal sender As System.Object,  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object,  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    	If ConnectPCD() = True Then
                Dim tmpFiles() As String = GetFiles(ProgramDir)
                    For Each tmpFile As String In tmpFiles
                        If ChangeProbeNames(tmpFile) = False Then Exit For
                Catch ex as Exception
                End Try
            End If
    End Sub
        Function GetFiles(ByVal RootDir As String) As String()
            Return Directory.GetFiles(RootDir, ProgramFileExt, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        End Function
        Function ConnectPCD() As Boolean
                pcdApp = GetObject("", "PCDLRN.Application")
                pcdApp.Visible = True
    			While pcdApp.PartPrograms.Count <> 0
    			End While
                pcdParts = pcdApp.PartPrograms
                Return True
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("ConnectPCD : " & ex.Message)
                Return False
                pcdParts = Nothing
                pcdApp = Nothing
            End Try
        End Function
        Sub DisconnectPCD()
            pcdCommand = Nothing
            pcdCommands = Nothing
            pcdActivePart = Nothing
            pcdParts = Nothing
            pcdApp = Nothing
        End Sub
        Function ChangeProbeNames(ByVal FilePath As String) As Boolean
        Console.WriteLine("Converting file: " & FilePath)
            pcdParts.Open(FilePath, "CMM1")
            pcdActivePart = pcdApp.ActivePartProgram
            pcdCommands = pcdActivePart.Commands
    		Dim pcdExecutedCommands As Object
    		pcdExecutedCommands = pcdActivePart.ExecutedCommands
    		Dim curDate As String = Format(Now, "MM-dd-yy")
    		Dim userIni As String = String.Empty
    		progExecuteOk = False
    		For i As Integer = 0 To pcdCommands.Count
    			pcdCommand = pcdCommands.Item(i)
    			If pcdCommand Is Nothing Then Continue For
    			Select Case pcdCommand.Type
    				'If command is a comment we need to check if it is revsion history so we can add a new line to it.
    					Dim at As Integer
    					Dim insertPnt As Integer
    					Dim comString = pcdCommand.CommentCommand.Comment
    					'The is what the revision history comment looks like.
    					'BY:    DATE:    DESCRIPTION:
    					'JJ     01/01/10 New Program
    					'The following looks for a Document Comment that contains certain strings that are in the revision history comment.
    					If comString.ToLower.Contains("by:") AND comString.ToLower.Contains("date:") AND comString.ToLower.Contains("description:") AND pcdCommand.GetFieldValue(PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.COMMENT_TYPE, 0) = "$$" Then
    						at = 0
    						at = comString.LastIndexOf("------")
    						If at > 0 Then
    							insertPnt = comString.LastIndexOf(vbCrLf, at-1)
    							If insertPnt > 0 Then
    								comString = comString.Insert(insertPnt, userIni & "     " & curDate & " Changed probe names" & vbCrLf)
    								pcdCommand.CommentCommand.Comment = comString
    								MsgBox("unable to find comment section",,"Error")
    								Return False
    							End If
    							MsgBox("unable to find comment section",,"Error")
    							Return False
    						End If
    					End If
    				'If the command is probe we need to switch the filename used
    					Select Case pcdCommand.LoadProbeCommand.FileName
    						Case "PROBE1"
    							ChangeProbeFile(pcdCommand, pcdCommands.Item(i+1), "PROBE1MM", "PROBE1")
    					    Case Else
    							MessageBox.Show("No Mapping for probe " & pcdCommand.LoadProbeCommand.FileName, "Error !", MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    					End Select
    				'If the command is Print Report lets remove is since it is no longer needed.
    					If pcdCommand.GetText(PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.PRINT_TO_PRINTER, 1) = "ON" Then
    						ChangeList.Add("Removed Print Report")
    					End If
    			    Case Else
    			End Select
    		'This starts the application events firing so we can see what PC-DMIS is doing.
    		AppEvents = pcdApp.ApplicationEvents
    		'create a machine so we can press done on input/comment boxes.
    		pcdMachine = pcdApp.ActivePartProgram.ActiveMachine
    		'run the program
    		'loop until program execution is complete
    		While Not progExecuteOk
    				Console.WriteLine("Not progExecuteOk")
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Console.WriteLine("Not progExecuteOk exception : " & ex.Message)
    			End Try
    		End While
    		'Turn off application events
    		AppEvents = Nothing
    		'save the part program and close it
    		'quit the program without saving the part program
            Return True
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("ConvertUpdateProbe Exception: " & ex.Message)
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function
    Function ChangeProbeFile(ByVal pcdCommand As PCDLRN.Command, ByVal pcdNextCommand As PCDLRN.Command, ByRef probeNewName As String, ByRef probeOldName As String) As Boolean
    'This function changes the Probe name and checks for a set active tip command on the next command. If not found add an active tip
    		Dim RetVal As Boolean
    		ChangeList.Add("Changed " & probeOldName & " to " & probeNewName)
    		pcdCommand.LoadProbeCommand.FileName = probeNewName
    		If pcdNextCommand.Type <> PCDLRN.OBTYPE.SET_ACTIVE_TIP Then
    			pcdCommand = pcdCommands.Add(PCDLRN.OBTYPE.SET_ACTIVE_TIP, TRUE)
    			pcdCommand.Marked = TRUE
    			retval = pcdCommand.PutText ("T1A0B0", PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.ID, 0)
    		ChangeList.Add("Added tip T1A0B0")
    		End If
    	    Return True
    	Catch ex As Exception
    		Return False
    	End Try
    End Function
    Private Sub AppEvents_OnObjectExecuted( ByVal pp As  PCDLRN.IPartProgram, ByVal cmd As PCDLRN.ICommand) Handles AppEvents.OnObjectExecuted
    		Console.WriteLine("OnObjectExecuted : " & cmd.CommentCommand.Comment)
    			pcdExecuteWindow = pp.GetExecutionWindow(0)
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Console.WriteLine("Exception in AppEvents_OnObjectExecuted : " & ex.Message)
    		End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub AppEvents_OnOpenRemotePanelDialog( ByVal pp As  PCDLRN.IPartProgram, ByVal DI As Long, ByVal winHand As Long, ByVal panMess As String, ByVal btn1 As Long, ByVal btn2 As Long, ByVal btn3 As Long, ByVal btn4 As Long, ByVal dfltbtn As Long) Handles AppEvents.OnOpenRemotePanelDialog
    		Console.WriteLine("OnOpenRemotePanelDialog : " & panMess)
    End Sub
    Private Sub AppEvents_OnUpdateStatusMessage( ByVal statMess As  String) Handles AppEvents.OnUpdateStatusMessage
    		Console.WriteLine("OnUpdateStatusMessage : " & statMess)
    		If statMess = "Execution complete" Then
    			progExecuteOk = True
    		End If
    End Sub
    End Class
  • I was able to get it to work by using ApplicationObjectEvents. I first watched all available events and found that OnOpenRemotePanelDialog gets fired when the input box is displayed and found machine object PressDone that clicks the OK button. I found that OnUpdateStatusMessage reports "Execution complete" when the program is done executing so I created a while loop that clicks the continue button until completion reported.

    Here is my program that changes the probe name, adds a revision line, removes Print report and executes the program.

    ' copied from http://www.pcdmisforum.com/showthread.php?26953-Script-to-make-a-change-in-all-programs/page2
    ' original creator ewe0006 01-09-2014
    ' modified 07-16-2014
    Public Class Form1
        Const ProgramDir = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\PC-DMIS\2010 MR3\"
        Const ProgramFileExt = "*.PRG"
        Private pcdApp As PCDLRN.Application
        Dim WithEvents AppEvents As PCDLRN.ApplicationObjectEvents
        Private pcdParts As PCDLRN.PartPrograms
        Private pcdActivePart As PCDLRN.PartProgram
        Private pcdCommands As PCDLRN.Commands
        Private pcdCommand As PCDLRN.Command
        Private pcdNextCommand As PCDLRN.Command
        Private pcdActiveCommand As PCDLRN.CommandsClass
        Private pcdMachine As PCDLRN.Machine
        Private pcdExecuteWindow As PCDLRN.ExecutionWindow
        Dim progExecuteOk As Boolean = False
        Private ChangeList As New List(Of String)
    Private Sub Form1_Load( ByVal sender As System.Object,  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object,  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    	If ConnectPCD() = True Then
                Dim tmpFiles() As String = GetFiles(ProgramDir)
                    For Each tmpFile As String In tmpFiles
                        If ChangeProbeNames(tmpFile) = False Then Exit For
                Catch ex as Exception
                End Try
            End If
    End Sub
        Function GetFiles(ByVal RootDir As String) As String()
            Return Directory.GetFiles(RootDir, ProgramFileExt, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        End Function
        Function ConnectPCD() As Boolean
                pcdApp = GetObject("", "PCDLRN.Application")
                pcdApp.Visible = True
    			While pcdApp.PartPrograms.Count <> 0
    			End While
                pcdParts = pcdApp.PartPrograms
                Return True
            Catch ex As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("ConnectPCD : " & ex.Message)
                Return False
                pcdParts = Nothing
                pcdApp = Nothing
            End Try
        End Function
        Sub DisconnectPCD()
            pcdCommand = Nothing
            pcdCommands = Nothing
            pcdActivePart = Nothing
            pcdParts = Nothing
            pcdApp = Nothing
        End Sub
        Function ChangeProbeNames(ByVal FilePath As String) As Boolean
        Console.WriteLine("Converting file: " & FilePath)
            pcdParts.Open(FilePath, "CMM1")
            pcdActivePart = pcdApp.ActivePartProgram
            pcdCommands = pcdActivePart.Commands
    		Dim pcdExecutedCommands As Object
    		pcdExecutedCommands = pcdActivePart.ExecutedCommands
    		Dim curDate As String = Format(Now, "MM-dd-yy")
    		Dim userIni As String = String.Empty
    		progExecuteOk = False
    		For i As Integer = 0 To pcdCommands.Count
    			pcdCommand = pcdCommands.Item(i)
    			If pcdCommand Is Nothing Then Continue For
    			Select Case pcdCommand.Type
    				'If command is a comment we need to check if it is revsion history so we can add a new line to it.
    					Dim at As Integer
    					Dim insertPnt As Integer
    					Dim comString = pcdCommand.CommentCommand.Comment
    					'The is what the revision history comment looks like.
    					'BY:    DATE:    DESCRIPTION:
    					'JJ     01/01/10 New Program
    					'The following looks for a Document Comment that contains certain strings that are in the revision history comment.
    					If comString.ToLower.Contains("by:") AND comString.ToLower.Contains("date:") AND comString.ToLower.Contains("description:") AND pcdCommand.GetFieldValue(PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.COMMENT_TYPE, 0) = "$$" Then
    						at = 0
    						at = comString.LastIndexOf("------")
    						If at > 0 Then
    							insertPnt = comString.LastIndexOf(vbCrLf, at-1)
    							If insertPnt > 0 Then
    								comString = comString.Insert(insertPnt, userIni & "     " & curDate & " Changed probe names" & vbCrLf)
    								pcdCommand.CommentCommand.Comment = comString
    								MsgBox("unable to find comment section",,"Error")
    								Return False
    							End If
    							MsgBox("unable to find comment section",,"Error")
    							Return False
    						End If
    					End If
    				'If the command is probe we need to switch the filename used
    					Select Case pcdCommand.LoadProbeCommand.FileName
    						Case "PROBE1"
    							ChangeProbeFile(pcdCommand, pcdCommands.Item(i+1), "PROBE1MM", "PROBE1")
    					    Case Else
    							MessageBox.Show("No Mapping for probe " & pcdCommand.LoadProbeCommand.FileName, "Error !", MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    					End Select
    				'If the command is Print Report lets remove is since it is no longer needed.
    					If pcdCommand.GetText(PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.PRINT_TO_PRINTER, 1) = "ON" Then
    						ChangeList.Add("Removed Print Report")
    					End If
    			    Case Else
    			End Select
    		'This starts the application events firing so we can see what PC-DMIS is doing.
    		AppEvents = pcdApp.ApplicationEvents
    		'create a machine so we can press done on input/comment boxes.
    		pcdMachine = pcdApp.ActivePartProgram.ActiveMachine
    		'run the program
    		'loop until program execution is complete
    		While Not progExecuteOk
    				Console.WriteLine("Not progExecuteOk")
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Console.WriteLine("Not progExecuteOk exception : " & ex.Message)
    			End Try
    		End While
    		'Turn off application events
    		AppEvents = Nothing
    		'save the part program and close it
    		'quit the program without saving the part program
            Return True
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("ConvertUpdateProbe Exception: " & ex.Message)
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function
    Function ChangeProbeFile(ByVal pcdCommand As PCDLRN.Command, ByVal pcdNextCommand As PCDLRN.Command, ByRef probeNewName As String, ByRef probeOldName As String) As Boolean
    'This function changes the Probe name and checks for a set active tip command on the next command. If not found add an active tip
    		Dim RetVal As Boolean
    		ChangeList.Add("Changed " & probeOldName & " to " & probeNewName)
    		pcdCommand.LoadProbeCommand.FileName = probeNewName
    		If pcdNextCommand.Type <> PCDLRN.OBTYPE.SET_ACTIVE_TIP Then
    			pcdCommand = pcdCommands.Add(PCDLRN.OBTYPE.SET_ACTIVE_TIP, TRUE)
    			pcdCommand.Marked = TRUE
    			retval = pcdCommand.PutText ("T1A0B0", PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.ID, 0)
    		ChangeList.Add("Added tip T1A0B0")
    		End If
    	    Return True
    	Catch ex As Exception
    		Return False
    	End Try
    End Function
    Private Sub AppEvents_OnObjectExecuted( ByVal pp As  PCDLRN.IPartProgram, ByVal cmd As PCDLRN.ICommand) Handles AppEvents.OnObjectExecuted
    		Console.WriteLine("OnObjectExecuted : " & cmd.CommentCommand.Comment)
    			pcdExecuteWindow = pp.GetExecutionWindow(0)
    		Catch ex As Exception
    			Console.WriteLine("Exception in AppEvents_OnObjectExecuted : " & ex.Message)
    		End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub AppEvents_OnOpenRemotePanelDialog( ByVal pp As  PCDLRN.IPartProgram, ByVal DI As Long, ByVal winHand As Long, ByVal panMess As String, ByVal btn1 As Long, ByVal btn2 As Long, ByVal btn3 As Long, ByVal btn4 As Long, ByVal dfltbtn As Long) Handles AppEvents.OnOpenRemotePanelDialog
    		Console.WriteLine("OnOpenRemotePanelDialog : " & panMess)
    End Sub
    Private Sub AppEvents_OnUpdateStatusMessage( ByVal statMess As  String) Handles AppEvents.OnUpdateStatusMessage
    		Console.WriteLine("OnUpdateStatusMessage : " & statMess)
    		If statMess = "Execution complete" Then
    			progExecuteOk = True
    		End If
    End Sub
    End Class
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