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Saving PCDMIS file at end of program

Can anyone give me a code example for saving the entire PCDMIS file and CAD file in a certain location at the end of the program?

  • Here's a variation that automatically adds a number at the end of the file name (and increments it each call).
    (It would be a good idea to enhance this with the safeguards in DaSalo's program)

    ' Add 1 to the file name, until an unused name is reached
    Sub Increment(Filename As String, FilePath As String)
      Dim p As Integer
      Dim NewNumber As Integer
        p = InStr(1, UCase(FileName), ".PRG")
        If (p > 0) Then
          FileName = left(FileName, p-1)
        End If
        p = Len(FileName)
        While (p > 0) And (Instr(1, "0123456789", Mid(FileName, p, 1)) > 0)
          p = p - 1
        NewNumber = Val(Right(FileName, Len(FileName)-p))
        FileName = Left(FileName, p) + Str(NewNumber + 1)  + ".PRG"
      On Error Resume Next
      Loop Until (FileLen(FilePath + FileName) = 0)
      On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    ' Increment the file name and save
    ' NOTE: It's the prog with the new name that is open in
    ' PC-DMIS after this.
    Sub IncrSave(FilePath As String)
      Dim FileName As String
      Dim DmisApp As Object
      Dim DmisPart As Object
    ' Connect to PC-DMIS
      Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
      Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram
      FileName = DmisPart.Name
    ' Make sure the path ends in "\"
      If Len(FilePath) > 0 Then
        If Mid(FilePath, Len(FilePath),1) <> "\" Then
          FilePath = FilePath + "\"
        End If
      End If
    ' Increment the name and save the program
      Increment FileName, FilePath
      DmisPart.SaveAs FilePath + FileName
    ' finish
      Set DmisPart = Nothing
      Set DmisApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    ' Just for testing
    Sub Main
    End Sub
  • Here's a variation that automatically adds a number at the end of the file name (and increments it each call).
    (It would be a good idea to enhance this with the safeguards in DaSalo's program)

    ' Add 1 to the file name, until an unused name is reached
    Sub Increment(Filename As String, FilePath As String)
      Dim p As Integer
      Dim NewNumber As Integer
        p = InStr(1, UCase(FileName), ".PRG")
        If (p > 0) Then
          FileName = left(FileName, p-1)
        End If
        p = Len(FileName)
        While (p > 0) And (Instr(1, "0123456789", Mid(FileName, p, 1)) > 0)
          p = p - 1
        NewNumber = Val(Right(FileName, Len(FileName)-p))
        FileName = Left(FileName, p) + Str(NewNumber + 1)  + ".PRG"
      On Error Resume Next
      Loop Until (FileLen(FilePath + FileName) = 0)
      On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    ' Increment the file name and save
    ' NOTE: It's the prog with the new name that is open in
    ' PC-DMIS after this.
    Sub IncrSave(FilePath As String)
      Dim FileName As String
      Dim DmisApp As Object
      Dim DmisPart As Object
    ' Connect to PC-DMIS
      Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
      Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram
      FileName = DmisPart.Name
    ' Make sure the path ends in "\"
      If Len(FilePath) > 0 Then
        If Mid(FilePath, Len(FilePath),1) <> "\" Then
          FilePath = FilePath + "\"
        End If
      End If
    ' Increment the name and save the program
      Increment FileName, FilePath
      DmisPart.SaveAs FilePath + FileName
    ' finish
      Set DmisPart = Nothing
      Set DmisApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    ' Just for testing
    Sub Main
    End Sub
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