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' Displays an inputbox telling the user To enter a serial number ' Or other information that will be concatenated To the partprogram ' Name (partname) And saved In the current partprogram folder. ' ' ORIGINAL CODE by 2010 ' ' Modified by Doug To just concatenate the date And time ' And To take the serialization number from ASSIGN/SRN="xxx" in the program And Input it into this one ' Sub Main() Dim PCDApp, PCDPartPrograms, PCDPartProgram Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram Dim setCrntName As String Set Serial = PCDPartProgram.GetVariableValue ("SRN") Dim SerialNo As String SerialNo = Serial.StringValue ' my added code HR = HOUR(NOW) MN = MINUTE(NOW) SEC = SECOND(NOW) MON = MONTH(NOW) DY = DAY(NOW) YR = YEAR(NOW) 'my added code 'added Mar 13, 2014 testing creating directory Name from date. Select Case MON Case "1" MonthName="JAN" Case "2" MonthName ="FEB" Case "3" MonthName="MAR" Case "4" MonthName="APR" Case "5" MonthName="MAY" Case "6" MonthName="JUN" Case "7" MonthName="JUL" Case "8" MonthName="AUG" Case "9" MonthName="SEP" Case "10" MonthName="OCT" Case "11" MonthName="NOV" Case "12" MonthName="DEC" End Select ' MsgBox DY & MonthName & YR setCrntName = PCDPartProgram.FullName 'my change In VPT.SE's code newname = PCDPartProgram.Path & "RESULTS\" & PCDPartProgram.PartName & " - " & DY & MonthName & YR & " - " & SerialNo & ".PRG" 'my change In code retval = PCDPartProgram.SaveAs(newname) retval = PCDPartProgram.SaveAs(setCrntName) ' Cleanup Set PCDPartProgram = Nothing Set PCDPartPrograms = Nothing Set PCDApp = Nothing End Sub
' Displays an inputbox telling the user To enter a serial number ' Or other information that will be concatenated To the partprogram ' Name (partname) And saved In the current partprogram folder. ' ' ORIGINAL CODE by 2010 ' ' Modified by Doug To just concatenate the date And time ' And To take the serialization number from ASSIGN/SRN="xxx" in the program And Input it into this one ' Sub Main() Dim PCDApp, PCDPartPrograms, PCDPartProgram Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram Dim setCrntName As String Set Serial = PCDPartProgram.GetVariableValue ("SRN") Dim SerialNo As String SerialNo = Serial.StringValue ' my added code HR = HOUR(NOW) MN = MINUTE(NOW) SEC = SECOND(NOW) MON = MONTH(NOW) DY = DAY(NOW) YR = YEAR(NOW) 'my added code 'added Mar 13, 2014 testing creating directory Name from date. Select Case MON Case "1" MonthName="JAN" Case "2" MonthName ="FEB" Case "3" MonthName="MAR" Case "4" MonthName="APR" Case "5" MonthName="MAY" Case "6" MonthName="JUN" Case "7" MonthName="JUL" Case "8" MonthName="AUG" Case "9" MonthName="SEP" Case "10" MonthName="OCT" Case "11" MonthName="NOV" Case "12" MonthName="DEC" End Select ' MsgBox DY & MonthName & YR setCrntName = PCDPartProgram.FullName 'my change In VPT.SE's code newname = PCDPartProgram.Path & "RESULTS\" & PCDPartProgram.PartName & " - " & DY & MonthName & YR & " - " & SerialNo & ".PRG" 'my change In code retval = PCDPartProgram.SaveAs(newname) retval = PCDPartProgram.SaveAs(setCrntName) ' Cleanup Set PCDPartProgram = Nothing Set PCDPartPrograms = Nothing Set PCDApp = Nothing End Sub
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