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PC-Dmis to Excel, through PC-Dmis Script

I know there is currently a VB project that runs in Excel during execution that will pull information into the workbook during execution. I decided to venture out and try some of my own approaches with a combination of data I found online here and there.

What I have is a script that can be executed in program, without too much setup and hassle, that will export data into an excel workbook like a print command would. I feel this script offers a little more versatility.

I will not claim ownership of this program. I just tweaked it to fit my needs. So far I have it running, and it works quite well.

I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part I wanted to post it to have as a reference.

It's a long program........
  • Drop-In Script Part3
    Else 'If ResFileExists = False Then
        If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True Then 
             RCount = 11
             Found = 0
             Do Until Found = 1
                  RCount = RCount + 1
                  If xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = "" Then
                  End If
             xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Value = "Sample # :"
             xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 2).Value = Samp.StringValue
             'Fill In measured data
             CCount = 3
             i = 0
             For Each Cmd In Cmds
                  i = i + 1
                  App.StatusBar = "Cycling through commands. Current command: " & i
                  'Do GDT
                  If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
                       ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = fncsheet.Round(Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1),6)
                            If xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value Or _
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value < xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value Then
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                            End If
                       End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
                       CCount = CCount + 1
                  End If
                  'Do Dimensions
                  If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                       If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or _
                            Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then
                            Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            DimID = DcmdID.ID
                            ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       End If
                       If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                            Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                            If CheckDim <> "" Then
                                 ReportDim = CheckDim
                            End If
                            If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                                 Set PlusTol =  xlSheet.Cells(9, CCount).Value
                                 Set MinusTol = xlSheet.Cells(10, CCount).Value
                                 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                                 If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Measured,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                 End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                                 'Add For Profile dimensions
                                 If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                 End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                            End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
                            CCount = CCount + 1
                       End If
                  End If
             Next Cmd
        End If
    End If 'If ResFileExists = False Then
    'Optional sheet functions used For data gathering.  'Will Not work If there are blank values.  Delete out the following Or use As needed.
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True And Rcount >= 13 Then
        Dim Aver, Mini, Maxi, Std, Cp, Cpk, usl, lsl
        Dim Startcell, EndCell, Tcount, Scount
        Dim Col, lCol
        Rcount = Rcount
        Ccount = 3
        Scount = 12
        Tcount = Rcount-Scount
        Rcount = Rcount+2
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,1).Value = ""
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,1).Value = "Max"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,1).Value = "Min"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,1).Value = "Range"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,1).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,1).Value = "Average"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,1).Value = "Mean"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,1).Value = "Std Dev"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,1).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Cp"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,1).Value = "CpK"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Count"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,2).Value = "--"
        NotFound = 0
        Do Until NotFound = 1
             If xlSheet.Cells(7, CCount).Value <> "" Then ' FCF
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  Set USL = xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value
                  Set LSL = xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Max(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Maxi = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Min(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Mini = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value
                  'Controls Range of Meas, Max-Min
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Sum(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).value,-(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).value)),6)
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Average(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Aver = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Median(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.STDEVP(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount)))),6)
                  Set Std = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value =""
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value =""
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(((USL-LSL)/(6*Std)),6)
                  'If LSL <> 0 Then
                       'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Min(((USL-Aver)/(3*Std)),((Aver-LSL)/(3*Std))),6)
                       'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round((USL-Aver)/(3*Std),6)
                  'End If
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,Ccount).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
                  CCount = CCount + 1
                  NotFound = 0
                  NotFound = 1
             End If 
    End If
    '^^Optional sheet functions used For data gathering.  'Will Not work If there are blank values.  Delete out the following Or use As needed^^.
    'Save And Cleanup
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        'If the file did Not exist originally, save the file As the Name given
        xlWorkBook.SaveAs ResFileExists
    End If
    xlApp.Application.Visible = False
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    xlApp.Application.Visible = True
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Sub
  • Drop-In Script Part3
    Else 'If ResFileExists = False Then
        If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True Then 
             RCount = 11
             Found = 0
             Do Until Found = 1
                  RCount = RCount + 1
                  If xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = "" Then
                  End If
             xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Value = "Sample # :"
             xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 2).Value = Samp.StringValue
             'Fill In measured data
             CCount = 3
             i = 0
             For Each Cmd In Cmds
                  i = i + 1
                  App.StatusBar = "Cycling through commands. Current command: " & i
                  'Do GDT
                  If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
                       ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                            xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = fncsheet.Round(Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1),6)
                            If xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value Or _
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value < xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value Then
                                 xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                            End If
                       End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
                       CCount = CCount + 1
                  End If
                  'Do Dimensions
                  If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                       If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or _
                            Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then
                            Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            DimID = DcmdID.ID
                            ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                       End If
                       If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
                            Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                            Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                            CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
                            If CheckDim <> "" Then
                                 ReportDim = CheckDim
                            End If
                            If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                                 Set PlusTol =  xlSheet.Cells(9, CCount).Value
                                 Set MinusTol = xlSheet.Cells(10, CCount).Value
                                 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                                 If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Measured,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                 End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                                 'Add For Profile dimensions
                                 If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                      Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                      xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                      If Meas > PlusTol Or _
                                      Meas < MinusTol Then
                                           xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                      End If
                                 End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                            End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
                            CCount = CCount + 1
                       End If
                  End If
             Next Cmd
        End If
    End If 'If ResFileExists = False Then
    'Optional sheet functions used For data gathering.  'Will Not work If there are blank values.  Delete out the following Or use As needed.
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True And Rcount >= 13 Then
        Dim Aver, Mini, Maxi, Std, Cp, Cpk, usl, lsl
        Dim Startcell, EndCell, Tcount, Scount
        Dim Col, lCol
        Rcount = Rcount
        Ccount = 3
        Scount = 12
        Tcount = Rcount-Scount
        Rcount = Rcount+2
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,1).Value = ""
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,1).Value = "Max"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,1).Value = "Min"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,1).Value = "Range"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,1).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,1).Value = "Average"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,1).Value = "Mean"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,1).Value = "Std Dev"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,1).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Cp"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,1).Value = "CpK"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Count"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,2).Value = "--"
        NotFound = 0
        Do Until NotFound = 1
             If xlSheet.Cells(7, CCount).Value <> "" Then ' FCF
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  Set USL = xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value
                  Set LSL = xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Max(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Maxi = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Min(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Mini = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value
                  'Controls Range of Meas, Max-Min
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Sum(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).value,-(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).value)),6)
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Average(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  Set Aver = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Median(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.STDEVP(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount)))),6)
                  Set Std = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = "--"
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value =""
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value =""
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(((USL-LSL)/(6*Std)),6)
                  'If LSL <> 0 Then
                       'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Min(((USL-Aver)/(3*Std)),((Aver-LSL)/(3*Std))),6)
                       'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round((USL-Aver)/(3*Std),6)
                  'End If
                  'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,Ccount).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
                  CCount = CCount + 1
                  NotFound = 0
                  NotFound = 1
             End If 
    End If
    '^^Optional sheet functions used For data gathering.  'Will Not work If there are blank values.  Delete out the following Or use As needed^^.
    'Save And Cleanup
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        'If the file did Not exist originally, save the file As the Name given
        xlWorkBook.SaveAs ResFileExists
    End If
    xlApp.Application.Visible = False
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    xlApp.Application.Visible = True
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Sub
No Data