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PC-Dmis to Excel, through PC-Dmis Script

I know there is currently a VB project that runs in Excel during execution that will pull information into the workbook during execution. I decided to venture out and try some of my own approaches with a combination of data I found online here and there.

What I have is a script that can be executed in program, without too much setup and hassle, that will export data into an excel workbook like a print command would. I feel this script offers a little more versatility.

I will not claim ownership of this program. I just tweaked it to fit my needs. So far I have it running, and it works quite well.

I will answer what questions I can, but for the most part I wanted to post it to have as a reference.

It's a long program........
  • Second Half

    Else 'If ResFileExists = False Then
        If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True Then 
    		RCount = 11
    		Found = 0
            Counter = 11
    		Do Until Found = 1
    			RCount = RCount + 1
    			If xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = "" Then
    			End If
    		Samp = Part.GetVariableValue("SAMP")
            Opper = Part.GetVariableValue("OPERATOR")
            xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Value = "Operator : " & Opper.StringValue
            Do Until Counter = Rcount
                If Len(xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Value) > Len(xlSheet.Cells(Counter, 1).Value) Then
                    WidthSet = xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 1).Columns.AutoFit()
                End If
                Counter = Counter +1
            xlSheet.Cells(RCount, 2).Value = "Sample # : " & Samp.StringValue
    		'Fill In measured data
    		CCount = 3
    		For Each Cmd In Cmds
    			'Do GDT
    			If Cmd.Type = 184 Then 'FCF
    				ReportDim = Cmd.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
    				If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
    					xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = fncsheet.Round(Cmd.GetText(LINE2_DEV, 1),6)
    					If xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value > xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value Or _
    						xlsheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).value < xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value Then
    						xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
    					End If
    				End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" 
    				CCount = CCount + 1
    			End If
    			'Do Dimensions
    			If Cmd.IsDimension Then
                        Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                        DimID = DcmdID.ID
                        ReportDim = Cmd.GetText (OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
    				End If
    				If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
    				   Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
    				   Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
    				   Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION And _
    				   Cmd.Type <> DATDEF_COMMAND Then
                        Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
                        CheckDim = Cmd.GetText (OUTPUT_TYPE, 0)
    					If CheckDim <> "" Then
                            ReportDim = CheckDim
    					End If
                        If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT" Then
                            Set PlusTol =  xlSheet.Cells(9, CCount).Value
                            Set MinusTol = xlSheet.Cells(10, CCount).Value
                            'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position
                            If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then
                                Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Measured,6))
                                xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                If Meas > PlusTol Or Meas < MinusTol Then
                                    xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                End If
                                Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                If Meas > PlusTol Or Meas < MinusTol Then
                                    xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                End If
                            End If 'DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" 
                            'Add For Profile dimensions
                            If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then
                                Set Meas = Abs(fncsheet.Round(DCmd.Deviation,6))
                                xlSheet.Cells(RCount, CCount).Value = Meas
                                If Meas > PlusTol Or Meas < MinusTol Then
                                    xlsheet.Cells(RCount,Ccount).Interior.ColorIndex = 38
                                End If
                            End If 'Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 
                        End If 'ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "REPORT"
    				CCount = CCount + 1					
    				End If
    			End If
    		Next Cmd
        End If
    End If 'If ResFileExists = False Then
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = True And Rcount >= 13 Then
        Dim Aver, Mini, Maxi, Std, Cp, Cpk, usl, lsl
        Dim Startcell, EndCell, Tcount, Scount
        Dim Col, lCol
        Rcount = Rcount
    	Ccount = 3
    	Scount = 12
    	Tcount = Rcount-Scount
        Rcount = Rcount+2
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,1).Value = ""
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,1).Value = "Max"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,1).Value = "Min"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,1).Value = "Range"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,1).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,1).Value = "Average"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,1).Value = "Mean"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,1).Value = "Std Dev"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,1).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Cp"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,1).Value = "CpK"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,1).Value = "Count"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,2).Value = "--"
        xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,2).Value = "--"
        'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,2).Value = "--"
        NotFound = 0
        Do Until NotFound = 1
            If xlSheet.Cells(7, CCount).Value <> "" Then ' FCF
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount-1,Ccount).Value = "--"
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Max(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Min(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+2,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Sum(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).value,-(xlsheet.Cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).value)),6)
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+3,Ccount).Value = "--"
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Average(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+5,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Median(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount))))
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.STDEVP(xlsheet.Range(xlsheet.cells(Scount,Ccount),(xlsheet.cells(Scount+Tcount,Ccount)))),6)
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+7,Ccount).Value = "--"
    			xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = "--"
    			Set Maxi = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+0,Ccount).Value
    			Set Mini = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+1,Ccount).Value
    			Set Aver = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+4,Ccount).Value
    			Set Std = xlsheet.cells(Rcount+6,Ccount).Value
    			Set USL = xlsheet.cells(9,Ccount).Value
    			Set LSL = xlsheet.cells(10,Ccount).Value
    			'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value =""
    			'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+8,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(((USL-LSL)/(6*Std)),6)
    			'If LSL <> 0 Then
    				'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round(fncsheet.Min(((USL-Aver)/(3*Std)),((Aver-LSL)/(3*Std))),6)
    				'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+9,Ccount).Value = fncsheet.Round((USL-Aver)/(3*Std),6)
    			'End If
    			'xlsheet.cells(Rcount+10,Ccount).Value = Rcount-Scount-1
    			CCount = CCount + 1
    			NotFound = 0
    			NotFound = 1
    		End If 
    End If
    'Save And Cleanup
    If objFSO.FileExists(ResFileExists) = False Then
        xlWorkBook.SaveAs ResFileExists
    End If
    xlApp.Application.Visible = False
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlSheets = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    xlApp.Application.Visible = True
    App.Visible = True
    Set xlSheet = Nothing 
    Set xlSheets = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbook = Nothing 
    Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing 
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    End Sub
  • example archive.zip

    Here is a zip file with a text document for the code, and an example excel file of the results.

    Apparently there is an error in the code, which is observed in the excel file.

    On one of the job tabs, if you scroll to the right you will see an insert of a blank line which throws the data off.
    i didn't catch this right away. I also don't know the culprit.

    Anyone have time to look into it? I will be puzzling through it.

    I fixed this problem.
    I removed the second section as an "Else" and just made it another if.
    Everything runs fine.

    I have also incorporated reporting out profile Min/Max values and include a bonus column for TP values.

    Attached Files