Has anyone made a script to list all used probes (tips) in all programs (in a certain folder)? Technically it should be possible - get a list of all programs, open them one after another, scan for LOADPROBE and TIP commands, collect data.
But has anyone already done it? And is able to share?
Ahh - it's linked to the PC-DMIS 2015.1 (or possibly 2016) type library - you need to link it to your version of PC-DMIS. In my Excel that's done under Developer -> Visual Basic -> Tools -> References (translated from Swedish, so I'm not sure the menu items are named correctly).
Ahh - it's linked to the PC-DMIS 2015.1 (or possibly 2016) type library - you need to link it to your version of PC-DMIS. In my Excel that's done under Developer -> Visual Basic -> Tools -> References (translated from Swedish, so I'm not sure the menu items are named correctly).