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Local MAX and MIN of a circle (two point measure)

For a long time I've been impressed by the mathematics of and today I had a little time over to test something that might come useful some day - "Local MAX and MIN of a circle (two point measure)". Maybe it has been shown before on the forum, but for me it was a new experience and an interesting sojourn in the not so much used "vector calculations" possibilities of PC-DMIS, i.e. the fact that you can get a whole bunch of things calculated with a single command, addressing a vector of numbers.


Circle CIR measured with an even number of points, spread all around.


Compute all diameters, find the shortest and longest. This is done by simple coordinate distance [SQRT((X1-X0)^2 + (Y1-Y0)^2) ], but the twist is that PC-DMIS can do it for all diameters at once! It just takes three lines.

            ASSIGN/V1=(CIR.HIT[1..CIR.NUMHITS/2].X-CIR.HIT[CIR.NUMHITS/2+1..CIR.NUMHITS].X)^2  ; square the X-diffs
            ASSIGN/V2=(CIR.HIT[1..CIR.NUMHITS/2].Y-CIR.HIT[CIR.NUMHITS/2+1..CIR.NUMHITS].Y)^2  ; square the Y-diffs
            ASSIGN/V3=SQRT(V1+V2)                                                              ; add them and extract square roots


            "Maxindex: "+MXI
            "Max     : "+MX
            "Minindex: "+MNI
            "Min     : "+MN
  • That "Size" dialog makes a lot of support questions easier to answer in the future! I like it!

    I have verified with a real measurement on a Ø600 ring (circularity = 0.45), 1893 measuring points, and the PC-DMIS 2017 LP size equals my twopoint calculation down to the third (metric) decimal at least, I didn't show more, so I think they have done it right :-) And, when the number of measuring points is 'big enough' it doesn't matter if it's uneven or prime.

    : Is it a secret how PC-DMIS does the LP calculation? Will it protest if the number of points is too small, or is it extrapolating splines and constructing 'real' opposed points under the hood?

  • That "Size" dialog makes a lot of support questions easier to answer in the future! I like it!

    I have verified with a real measurement on a Ø600 ring (circularity = 0.45), 1893 measuring points, and the PC-DMIS 2017 LP size equals my twopoint calculation down to the third (metric) decimal at least, I didn't show more, so I think they have done it right :-) And, when the number of measuring points is 'big enough' it doesn't matter if it's uneven or prime.

    : Is it a secret how PC-DMIS does the LP calculation? Will it protest if the number of points is too small, or is it extrapolating splines and constructing 'real' opposed points under the hood?

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