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VB.NET .GetVariableValue("NAME")

How do you pull variable values from PCD program using VB.NET?

I know how to do it with VBA and BASIC etc.... but how do you do it with VB.NET, I can get variable name but no values!

Any help, thanks.


My code works I just hadn't ran PcD to 'load' the variables with values....HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Don't forget to share your code/sources as it WILL help others.

    Ahhhh but its my humble beginnings code! Eh I'm sure it could be written far better but here it is anyways.

    ' Author: Kp61dude!
    ' Date: 6/21/2017
    ' Desc: Using PCD template "TEMPLATE-AUTOMATED_A_20170613.PRG", pulling measured data to CSV. Using VB.NET
    Public Class Form1
        Private Sub CSV_Out_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
            Dim app As PCDLRN.Application 'PCDLRN.Application
            Dim cmds As Object 'PCDLRN.Commands
            Dim cmd As PCDLRN.Command 'PCDLRN.Command
            Dim part As PCDLRN.PartProgram 'PCDLRN.PartProgram
            Dim s As String = "" 'string to hold dimensions ID
            Dim r As Integer = 1 'row
            app = GetObject("", "PCDLRN.Application.10.1") 'Using PCD version 2015.1, change to yours or if one PCD version installed use "PCDLRN.Application"
            app.Visible = True
            part = app.ActivePartProgram
            cmds = part.Commands
            'Set up the progress bar
            Dim nCommands As String = part.Commands.Count.ToString
            ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
            If nCommands <> "" Then
                Dim result As Boolean = Int32.TryParse(nCommands, nCommands)
                If result Then
                    ProgressBar1.Maximum = nCommands
                    ProgressBar1.Maximum = 100
                End If
            End If
            'Pulled PCD variables. For Header build.
            Dim serNum, woNum, pNumber, pRev, pcdDate, pcdTime, inCSV As String
            Dim pcdFilepath As String = part.GetVariableValue("FILEPATH").StringValue
            'If for whatever reason variable is empty save elsewhere.
            If pcdFilepath Is "" Then
                pcdFilepath = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\PC-DMIS\2015.1\Output2CSV.CSV"
            End If
            'CSV starage location
            Dim dotPosition As Integer = pcdFilepath.LastIndexOf(".")
            Dim csvFile As String = pcdFilepath.Substring(0, dotPosition) & ".CSV"
            'Open CSV for writing
            Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(csvFile, False)
            'Loop counter
            Dim c As Integer = 0
            'Scan thru all variables in PCD program and write to CVS file.
            For Each cmd In cmds
                If cmd.TypeDescription = "Assignment" Then
                    Dim assignName As Object = cmd.GetText(PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.DEST_EXPR, 0)
                    Select Case assignName
                        Case "SERIAL"
                            serNum = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            serNum = serNum.Substring(serNum.LastIndexOf("-") + 1)
                            If serNum <> "" Then
                                serNum = Convert.ToDouble(serNum)
                            End If
                            outFile.WriteLine("Serial Number:," & serNum)
                        Case "WO"
                            woNum = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Work Order:," & woNum)
                        Case "PART"
                            pNumber = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Part Number:," & pNumber)
                        Case "REV"
                            If c = 36 Then 'pull second instance of "REV"
                                pRev = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                                outFile.WriteLine("Part Revision:," & pRev)
                            End If
                        Case "SYSTEM_DATE"
                            pcdDate = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Date:," & pcdDate)
                        Case "SYSTEM_TIME"
                            pcdTime = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Time:," & pcdTime)
                        Case "CSV_FILEPATH"
                            inCSV = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                    End Select
                End If
                If pcdDate <> "" Then
                    outFile.WriteLine("Dimension, Feature, Axis, Segment, Nom, Meas, UTOL, LTOL")
                End If
                pcdDate = ""
                'Pull dimension data from PCD program.
                If cmd.ID <> "" Then s = cmd.ID 'capture the name of the dimension
                If cmd.IsDimension Then ' if the command is a dimension
                    If cmd.DimensionCommand.AxisLetter <> "" Then 'if there is an axis letter
                        Dim aXL As String = cmd.DimensionCommand.AxisLetter
                        Dim Nom As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.NOMINAL, 4)
                        Dim Meas As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.Measured, 5)
                        Dim UTOL As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.Plus, 5)
                        Dim LTOL As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.Minus, 5)
                        outFile.WriteLine(s & ",," & aXL & ",," & Nom & "," & Meas & "," & UTOL & "," & LTOL)
                    End If 'if cmd.DimensionCommand.Axisletter
                End If 'if cmd.IsDimenion
                c = c + 1
            Next cmd
            'Move file to PCD variable value.
            If Dir("Filename Here") <> "" Then 'if file exists on network
                If inCSV <> "" Then
                    Dim destNetFile As String = inCSV & csvFile.Substring(csvFile.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(csvFile, destNetFile, overwrite:=True)
                End If
            End If
            ProgressBar1.Value = nCommands - 1
        End Sub
        Private Sub releaseObject(ByVal obj As Object)
                obj = Nothing
            Catch ex As Exception
                obj = Nothing
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Me.Visible = True
            CSV_Out_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
        End Sub
    End Class
  • Don't forget to share your code/sources as it WILL help others.

    Ahhhh but its my humble beginnings code! Eh I'm sure it could be written far better but here it is anyways.

    ' Author: Kp61dude!
    ' Date: 6/21/2017
    ' Desc: Using PCD template "TEMPLATE-AUTOMATED_A_20170613.PRG", pulling measured data to CSV. Using VB.NET
    Public Class Form1
        Private Sub CSV_Out_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
            Dim app As PCDLRN.Application 'PCDLRN.Application
            Dim cmds As Object 'PCDLRN.Commands
            Dim cmd As PCDLRN.Command 'PCDLRN.Command
            Dim part As PCDLRN.PartProgram 'PCDLRN.PartProgram
            Dim s As String = "" 'string to hold dimensions ID
            Dim r As Integer = 1 'row
            app = GetObject("", "PCDLRN.Application.10.1") 'Using PCD version 2015.1, change to yours or if one PCD version installed use "PCDLRN.Application"
            app.Visible = True
            part = app.ActivePartProgram
            cmds = part.Commands
            'Set up the progress bar
            Dim nCommands As String = part.Commands.Count.ToString
            ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
            If nCommands <> "" Then
                Dim result As Boolean = Int32.TryParse(nCommands, nCommands)
                If result Then
                    ProgressBar1.Maximum = nCommands
                    ProgressBar1.Maximum = 100
                End If
            End If
            'Pulled PCD variables. For Header build.
            Dim serNum, woNum, pNumber, pRev, pcdDate, pcdTime, inCSV As String
            Dim pcdFilepath As String = part.GetVariableValue("FILEPATH").StringValue
            'If for whatever reason variable is empty save elsewhere.
            If pcdFilepath Is "" Then
                pcdFilepath = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\PC-DMIS\2015.1\Output2CSV.CSV"
            End If
            'CSV starage location
            Dim dotPosition As Integer = pcdFilepath.LastIndexOf(".")
            Dim csvFile As String = pcdFilepath.Substring(0, dotPosition) & ".CSV"
            'Open CSV for writing
            Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(csvFile, False)
            'Loop counter
            Dim c As Integer = 0
            'Scan thru all variables in PCD program and write to CVS file.
            For Each cmd In cmds
                If cmd.TypeDescription = "Assignment" Then
                    Dim assignName As Object = cmd.GetText(PCDLRN.ENUM_FIELD_TYPES.DEST_EXPR, 0)
                    Select Case assignName
                        Case "SERIAL"
                            serNum = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            serNum = serNum.Substring(serNum.LastIndexOf("-") + 1)
                            If serNum <> "" Then
                                serNum = Convert.ToDouble(serNum)
                            End If
                            outFile.WriteLine("Serial Number:," & serNum)
                        Case "WO"
                            woNum = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Work Order:," & woNum)
                        Case "PART"
                            pNumber = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Part Number:," & pNumber)
                        Case "REV"
                            If c = 36 Then 'pull second instance of "REV"
                                pRev = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                                outFile.WriteLine("Part Revision:," & pRev)
                            End If
                        Case "SYSTEM_DATE"
                            pcdDate = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Date:," & pcdDate)
                        Case "SYSTEM_TIME"
                            pcdTime = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                            outFile.WriteLine("Time:," & pcdTime)
                        Case "CSV_FILEPATH"
                            inCSV = part.GetVariableValue(assignName).StringValue
                    End Select
                End If
                If pcdDate <> "" Then
                    outFile.WriteLine("Dimension, Feature, Axis, Segment, Nom, Meas, UTOL, LTOL")
                End If
                pcdDate = ""
                'Pull dimension data from PCD program.
                If cmd.ID <> "" Then s = cmd.ID 'capture the name of the dimension
                If cmd.IsDimension Then ' if the command is a dimension
                    If cmd.DimensionCommand.AxisLetter <> "" Then 'if there is an axis letter
                        Dim aXL As String = cmd.DimensionCommand.AxisLetter
                        Dim Nom As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.NOMINAL, 4)
                        Dim Meas As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.Measured, 5)
                        Dim UTOL As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.Plus, 5)
                        Dim LTOL As Double = Math.Round(cmd.DimensionCommand.Minus, 5)
                        outFile.WriteLine(s & ",," & aXL & ",," & Nom & "," & Meas & "," & UTOL & "," & LTOL)
                    End If 'if cmd.DimensionCommand.Axisletter
                End If 'if cmd.IsDimenion
                c = c + 1
            Next cmd
            'Move file to PCD variable value.
            If Dir("Filename Here") <> "" Then 'if file exists on network
                If inCSV <> "" Then
                    Dim destNetFile As String = inCSV & csvFile.Substring(csvFile.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(csvFile, destNetFile, overwrite:=True)
                End If
            End If
            ProgressBar1.Value = nCommands - 1
        End Sub
        Private Sub releaseObject(ByVal obj As Object)
                obj = Nothing
            Catch ex As Exception
                obj = Nothing
            End Try
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Me.Visible = True
            CSV_Out_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
        End Sub
    End Class
No Data