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VB Script, Using PutText to enter an expression

I want to write a script that can modify the THEO and TARG values of a feature to be an expression, such as "1+0" or "2*VX+4". So far I can change the values to other values but if I give it an expression it always seems to evaluate it first and insert the result rather than the expression itself.

Not sure if what I want to do is possible but after scouring the forum for any examples I am sure that if it is possible someone on here will know how to do it.
  • As a general comment I'd add: Don't use gettext unless there really is no other way to extract the values you need! Almost everything (except FCF:s and SIZE:s) have a lot of predefined methods for getting the values. In the latest versions of PC-DMIS a description of the type library is included in the Help.

    Also, gettext gives you language dependent results, going through the access functions mostly use language independent numeric constants instead.

    GETTEXT seems to be the only thing giving good results. I am fully aware of how unreliable this can be but what else can you do? Any solutions/suggestions to the problem Andersl?
  • I'm not sure which problem you're talking about?
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