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python development instances for pc-dmis.

import win32com.client as w32
dmisapp = w32.Dispatch('PCDLRN.Application')
dmispart = dmisapp.ActivePartProgram
dmiscommands = dmispart.Commands

def pc_dmis_report():
    for cmd in dmiscommands:
        if cmd.IsDimension and int(cmd.DimensionCommand.OutTol)==0:


  • This idea is quite sexy. The ability to have/create/fenaggle together a custom controller for PC-DMIS?
    Heck, a whole box!
    I've always dreamt of having a PC-DMIS 'operating system' where I've just got the controller, the software, and a GUI...
    Is Python the answer???
    Maybe. Maybe not. Would be a very cool project to play around with...

    Try Twincat 3 by Beckhoff, currently picking my brain on that right now. Took a course at Beckhoff and boy am I exited about it!

  • This idea is quite sexy. The ability to have/create/fenaggle together a custom controller for PC-DMIS?
    Heck, a whole box!
    I've always dreamt of having a PC-DMIS 'operating system' where I've just got the controller, the software, and a GUI...
    Is Python the answer???
    Maybe. Maybe not. Would be a very cool project to play around with...

    Try Twincat 3 by Beckhoff, currently picking my brain on that right now. Took a course at Beckhoff and boy am I exited about it!