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Reports Sorting Reference ID

Hi I have research on line and in the forum, but I cannot find any references on how to sort by Ref_ID in order. When running a report for easier viewing without exporting to excel first. PCDMIS Reports puts everything in machine order. Can the sortup command be used in the label code below.

= ID +If(Len(REF_ID:1)>0,("-" + STR(REF_ID:1))," ")+ If(Len(REF_ID:2)>0 AND REF_ID:1<>REF_ID:2,
(" " + LOADSTR(-247)+" " +STR(REF_ID:2)),"")+ If(Len(REF_ID:3)>0 AND REF_ID:2<>REF_ID:3 AND REF_ID:3<>LOADSTR(-492),("( " +STR(REF_ID:3)+")"),"")+SUMMARY_TBLHDR

I would greatly appreciate any help

  • I'm sure there is a way with VB, to export out all your programs, save them, and then open and organize all the items the way you want.
    so yes it is possible.

    However, you would have to compensate for alignments/workplanes.
    Certain feature being toleranced in one alignment, and then needing to be done in another.
    Same with workplanes.

    So you would have to do to a multi step sort.
    Pull in active alignment for dimenionsal purposes, then active workplane.
    Account for it and organize as needed.

    So by no means it is impossible.
    Daunting and convoluted, very.

    I agree, an excel export is the more efficient method.
  • Thank You, it looks like excel is the way to go.
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