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Need a little guidance

Has anyone come across a way to export a program run as basic?
Or, has come across a way to export a program run in a way that can be imported back in later for review?

I know it may seem unnecessary.

My lab does a lot of protoyping, and as a result the customer sometimes desires to change datum scheme/bonus/hit targets/profile tolerances as the process goes on.
It gets tedious to have to re-run a part to get updated dimensional data.

Is there a solid way to do it?
I've exported programs as basic before, then re-uploaded them.
So i would assume it is possible.

I would just prefer an automated approach, anyone point me in a direction?
  • This saves the entire .prg file.

    NOTE! It does this by first saving the program which is executing, then copying the file to an archive location.

    i.e. if you can't save the existing program with measured data in it for some reason you'll need to find another method.

    'JON WOOD - AUTOMETTECH LTD (UK) www.automettech.com
    Sub main()
    '========= SETTINGS =================
    'Root save directory For archive
    Dim archivePath
    archivePath = "C:\CMM\Archive"
    'This is the Name of a PC-Dmis ASSIGNMENT - If it exist the value it holds will be used In the file Name
    'of the archived program (i.e. can be a serial number, Or works order number etc)
    Dim myUID
    myUID = "UID"
    'NOTE! - File Name will be In the following format...
    'SaveDirectory\Program Name\ProgramName_UniqueID_DateTime.prg
    'i.e. C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive\123456-01\123456-01_abc123_20140824104232.prg
    'archivePath = "C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive"
    'Part program = 123456-01.prg
    'Serial Number / Unique Id = abc123
    'DateTime = 24/08/2014 10:42:32
    '===========End OF SETTINGS==========
    'Create objects
    Dim pcapp As Object
    Set pcapp = createobject("pcdlrn.application")
    Dim pcpart As Object
    Set pcpart = pcapp.activepartprogram
    'Save existing program
    'Get the current program path
    Dim source_path
    source_path = pcpart.fullname
    'Get program Name (without file extension)
    Dim progname
    progname = left(pcpart.Name,len(pcpart.Name)-4)
    'Create File System Object For file operations 
    Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    'Check main archive directory And program specific directories exist
    Dim ofolder As Object
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath)
    End If
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath & "\" & progname) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath & "\" & progname)
    End If
    'Get a UID If present
    Dim uid
    Dim myvar As Object
    Set myvar = pcpart.getvariablevalue(myUID)
    If Not myVar is Nothing Then
    uid = myvar.stringvalue
    End If
    'Genrate the destination (save) path
    dest_path = archivepath & "\" & progname & "\" & progname & "_" & uid & "_" &  format(now(),"YYYYMMDDHHNNSS") & ".prg"
    'Save the file
    MsgBox(source_path & chr(13) & dest_path)
    fso.copyfile source_path, dest_path
    'Tidy up
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set pcpart = Nothing
    Set pcapp = Nothing
    End Sub

    Call it from within Pc-Dmis like so...


  • This saves the entire .prg file.

    NOTE! It does this by first saving the program which is executing, then copying the file to an archive location.

    i.e. if you can't save the existing program with measured data in it for some reason you'll need to find another method.

    'JON WOOD - AUTOMETTECH LTD (UK) www.automettech.com
    Sub main()
    '========= SETTINGS =================
    'Root save directory For archive
    Dim archivePath
    archivePath = "C:\CMM\Archive"
    'This is the Name of a PC-Dmis ASSIGNMENT - If it exist the value it holds will be used In the file Name
    'of the archived program (i.e. can be a serial number, Or works order number etc)
    Dim myUID
    myUID = "UID"
    'NOTE! - File Name will be In the following format...
    'SaveDirectory\Program Name\ProgramName_UniqueID_DateTime.prg
    'i.e. C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive\123456-01\123456-01_abc123_20140824104232.prg
    'archivePath = "C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive"
    'Part program = 123456-01.prg
    'Serial Number / Unique Id = abc123
    'DateTime = 24/08/2014 10:42:32
    '===========End OF SETTINGS==========
    'Create objects
    Dim pcapp As Object
    Set pcapp = createobject("pcdlrn.application")
    Dim pcpart As Object
    Set pcpart = pcapp.activepartprogram
    'Save existing program
    'Get the current program path
    Dim source_path
    source_path = pcpart.fullname
    'Get program Name (without file extension)
    Dim progname
    progname = left(pcpart.Name,len(pcpart.Name)-4)
    'Create File System Object For file operations 
    Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    'Check main archive directory And program specific directories exist
    Dim ofolder As Object
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath)
    End If
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath & "\" & progname) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath & "\" & progname)
    End If
    'Get a UID If present
    Dim uid
    Dim myvar As Object
    Set myvar = pcpart.getvariablevalue(myUID)
    If Not myVar is Nothing Then
    uid = myvar.stringvalue
    End If
    'Genrate the destination (save) path
    dest_path = archivepath & "\" & progname & "\" & progname & "_" & uid & "_" &  format(now(),"YYYYMMDDHHNNSS") & ".prg"
    'Save the file
    MsgBox(source_path & chr(13) & dest_path)
    fso.copyfile source_path, dest_path
    'Tidy up
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set pcpart = Nothing
    Set pcapp = Nothing
    End Sub

    Call it from within Pc-Dmis like so...


No Data