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Problem accessing CadModel.CADProjectPoint from Basic Script

Trying to access the my Cad model in the Graphics Display Window using a PC-DMIS basic script. Getting a "Missing parameter(s)" error message. Here's what I have with the error being generated on the last line seen below;

Sub GetProjectPointData()
Dim App As Object
Dim Part As Object
Dim Cmds As Object
Dim GWindow As Object
Dim CadWin As Object
Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
Set Cmds = Part.Commands
Set GWindow = Part.CadWindows
Set CadWin = GWindow.Item(1)
Dim CADMod As CadModel
Set CADMod = Part.CadModel
Dim RetVal As Boolean
Dim FeatureName, FID As String
CadWin.Visible = True

CADMod.CADProjectPoint(XT, YT, ZT,7,0,0, PX, PY, PZ, PDIRX, PDIRY, PDIRZ,2)

The Function info in the help menus has 13 parameters, (as do I). Haven't tried accessing the Graphics display window from a script before and not sure if i have everything right here, but it does compile without errors, so...

If anyone that has basic script/Pcdmis knowledge about this topic, it would be much appreciated if you could take a peek at this and steer me in the right direction if there are blaring issues seen at first glance. Alien

  • Response #2: NetData is a String Array I have set up as a global variable at the top of my program. The code in my example is just the code from a sub routine I created to call to from sub Main.

    Response #2: Agreed. Added this, and received a "Type Mismatch" error.

    Dim Result, CH As Integer
    Result = CADMod.CADProjectPoint(XT, YT, ZT,7,0,0, PX, PY, PZ, PDIRX, PDIRY, PDIRZ, CH)

    This function should be returning values for all of these variables: " PX, PY, PZ, PDIRX, PDIRY, PDIRZ, CH " in the call to CADProjectPoint. Passing in my XT, YT, ZT coordinates to have them projected onto model in Graphics display window, with returns representing model point values and vector relative to cad model.

    Thank for helping, but still compiles and producing error above during runtime. Is it that I need to define a "point" variable of sorts that would hold all the return values? Hmm.

  • Response #2: NetData is a String Array I have set up as a global variable at the top of my program. The code in my example is just the code from a sub routine I created to call to from sub Main.

    Response #2: Agreed. Added this, and received a "Type Mismatch" error.

    Dim Result, CH As Integer
    Result = CADMod.CADProjectPoint(XT, YT, ZT,7,0,0, PX, PY, PZ, PDIRX, PDIRY, PDIRZ, CH)

    This function should be returning values for all of these variables: " PX, PY, PZ, PDIRX, PDIRY, PDIRZ, CH " in the call to CADProjectPoint. Passing in my XT, YT, ZT coordinates to have them projected onto model in Graphics display window, with returns representing model point values and vector relative to cad model.

    Thank for helping, but still compiles and producing error above during runtime. Is it that I need to define a "point" variable of sorts that would hold all the return values? Hmm.

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