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ListBox, ComboBox, Drop-Down List

I've worked out that how to create a drop-down list using the following code which was given in PCDMIS help file for sample and it works fine

After execution of the script, The combo-box plays well, it returns the text which i selected from the list, but
The list-box and the drop-down List is returning the position of the selected text from the list ...............

can someone help me that how to retrieve the item From the list for listbox & dropdown list............

Sub Main

Dim MyList$ (5)
MyList (0) = "AAA"
MyList (1) = "BBB"
MyList (2) = "CCC"
MyList (3) = "DDD"
MyList (4) = "EEE"
MyList (5) = "FFF"

Begin Dialog BoxSample 16,35,256,89,"List Box, Combo Box, and Drop-Down List Box"

    OKButton 204,24,40,14
    CancelButton 204,44,40,14

    ListBox 12,24,48,40, MyList$( ),.Lstbox
    DropListBox 124,24,72,40, MyList$( ),.DrpList
    ComboBox 68,24,48,40, MyList$( ),.CmboBox

    Text 12,12,32,8,"List Box:"
    Text 124,12,68,8,"Drop-Down List Box:"
    Text 68,12,44,8,"Combo Box:"

End Dialog

Dim Dlg1 As BoxSample
Button = Dialog ( Dlg1 )

Chklist = Dlg1.Lstbox
Chkcombo = Dlg1.CmboBox
ChkDrop = Dlg1.DrpList

MsgBox (Chklist)
MsgBox (Chkcombo)
MsgBox (Chkdrop)

End Sub

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