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How to wait end of program on Automation code.

I made some automation program.

I want to run 4 programs with on button click.

I can run 4 programs.

But, program close before end of first program.

How can i wait for end of program.

This is parts of my code.

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

If RB_M.Checked = True Then

PCDMISapplication = New PCDLRN.Application
AppEvents = PCDMISapplication.ApplicationEvents

PCDMISprograms = PCDMISapplication.PartPrograms
PCDMISapplication.Visible = True

Dim F_List As String = Dir("C:\JoyAutomation_TCK\List")
Dim L_Data As String
Dim P_P_C = 0

If F_List = "" Then
If Mid(Trim(F_List.ToString()), 1, Len(Trim(F_List.ToString())) - 4) = Combo_Part_Name.SelectedItem Then

FileOpen(1, "C:\JoyAutomation_TCK\List" & Combo_Part_Name.SelectedItem & ".txt", OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(1)
L_Data = LineInput(1)
If L_Data = "" Then
P_P_C += 1
If P_P_C <= CInt(Combo_Part_Count.SelectedItem) + 1 Then
PCDpartPrg = PCDMISprograms.Open("C:\Users\Robert Eom\Desktop\TCK 개발\K3T001215 1매\MiniRoutine\1_K3T001215-00 SiC INSERT,SMOD,2.8 STEP.prg", "Offline")
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) ' Wait while program opens
PCDpartPrg.Visible = True
End If

End If
End While
End If

Do Until F_List = ""
F_List = Dir()
If F_List = "" Then
If Mid(Trim(F_List.ToString()), 1, Len(Trim(F_List.ToString())) - 4) = Combo_Part_Name.SelectedItem Then
FileOpen(2, "C:\JoyAutomation_TCK\List" & Combo_Part_Name.SelectedItem & ".txt", OpenMode.Input)
While Not EOF(2)
L_Data = LineInput(2)
If L_Data = "" Then
P_P_C += 1
If P_P_C <= CInt(Combo_Part_Count.SelectedItem) + 1 Then
PCDpartPrg = PCDMISprograms.Open("C:\Users\Robert Eom\Desktop\TCK 개발\K3T001215 1매\MiniRoutine\1_K3T001215-00 SiC INSERT,SMOD,2.8 STEP.prg", "Offline")
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) ' Wait while program opens
PCDpartPrg.Visible = True
End If
End If
End While
End If

End If
End If

End If

'PCDMISapplication = New PCDLRN.Application
'PCDMISprograms = PCDMISapplication.PartPrograms
'PCDMISapplication.Visible = True
'PCDpartPrg = PCDMISprograms.Open("C:\Users\Robert Eom\Desktop\TCK 개발\K3T001215 1매\MiniRoutine\1_K3T001215-00 SiC INSERT,SMOD,2.8 STEP.prg", "Offline")
'Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) ' Wait while program opens
'PCDpartPrg.Visible = True

End Sub
  • I made some automation program.
    How can i wait for end of program.

    I see that you've got Application Events setup. I'd use the AppEvents.OnEndExecution event. When this event fires, close the running program, open and execute the next one.

    The code to do this would be in the OnEndExecution event sub.

    Thanks for the indents
  • I made some automation program.
    How can i wait for end of program.

    I see that you've got Application Events setup. I'd use the AppEvents.OnEndExecution event. When this event fires, close the running program, open and execute the next one.

    The code to do this would be in the OnEndExecution event sub.

    Thanks for the indents
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