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Help With Vb Code

Hi everyone. I have been tweaking and tweaking this code to get it to work, but cant seem to get there. Mind you I am new to VB coding. I have a little bit of my own coding and some other stuff I found on here and online to help me get to where I want to go. What I am attempting to do is to navigate to a specific directory, Search through the files in that directory (part number specific), and if the file in that directory has an extension of "PRG", it opens the part program and unmarks a few lines of code in said program, and continues searching through the files. But, Every time I try to run the sub, it exits right after reading the "For Each objFile in objFolder.Files" line. Can someone help me troubleshoot? Below I copied the code. Thanks.

Sub UnmarkProgramNotificationPCDmis()

Dim CurrentPath As String
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim Ppath As String
Dim BCpath As String
Dim ACpath As String
Dim SAPnum As Integer
Dim FileName As String
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim Ext As String

Ppath = VBA.InputBox("Do you want to update a BC program, or and AC program? Type AC, or BC ")
On Error GoTo Leave
SAPnum = VBA.InputBox("Please Enter the SAP#")
On Error GoTo Leave

BCpath = "F:\Secure\Inspection\CMM Programs_Temporary_PCDmis" & "" & SAPnum
ACpath = "F:\Secure\Inspection\CMM Programs_Temporary_PCDmis\AC_PROGRAMS" & "" & SAPnum
MsgBox (BCpath)

If Ppath = "BC" Then
CurrentPath = BCpath
Else: CurrentPath = ACpath
End If

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(CurrentPath)
Set app = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
app.WaitUntilReady (20)
Set parts = app.PartPrograms

For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
Ext = UCase(Right(objFile.Name, Len(objFile.Name) - InStrRev(objFile.Name, ".")))
If (Ext = "PRG") Then

FileName = objFile.Name
Set part = parts.Open(FileName, "Offline")
app.Visible = False
Set cmds = part.Commands

For Each cmd In cmds

If cmd.IsFileIOCommand Then
FileName = cmd.FileIOCommand.FilePointerID

If FileName = ("PART_COMPLETE") Then
cmd.Marked = False

End If

End If

Next cmd

End If
Next objFile

Exit Sub
MsgBox "An Error has occured, DUMBASS!!!!"

Set app = Nothing
Set part = Nothing
Set parts = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Set cmds = Nothing

End Sub
  • Just a little update. After a whole day of banging my head off the wall, I finally figured it out! The updated code will be posted below if anyone needs to do something similar. Just to understand a little more of what I needed to do. We store our PCDmis programs in 2 directories. A permanent folder, which is locked so operators cannot access, and is used for programs that have been proved out. Then we have a temporary folder for NEW programs that haven't been proved out. For all new programs I have a FileIO command that writes the part# to a text file when the program has ran all the way through. So then I go review the report for that part and make sure nothing is wonky, then move the program over to the permanent folder so our operators do not have to run the CMM in slow thinking part has never been ran before. The problem I have with the FileIO command is you have to go unmark those couple "writeline" commands or else every time the part runs, its prints to that text file. So I have to manually have to go into each program, and "blue" those lines out when moving to the permanent folder. I could have written a code to paste the actually directory in my input box so it would do it for one single program, but the problem is we have many different CMM's so we have the same program in subfolder after subfolder for each machine. So I wanted a to write a code where it found the part number folder and searched through each individual subfolder and updated every instance of that program. The code on this original post was only searching for the file one subfolder deep so it was kicking out of the loop. We typically have at least 2 or 3 subfolders until you find the actual program, so I found another way to get to it. Here it is.

    Sub UnmarkProgramNotification()
    Dim FSOLibrary As Object
    Dim FSOFolder As Object
    Dim folderName As String
    Dim Ppath As String
    Dim CurrentPath As String
    Dim SAPnum As String
    Dim ACpath As String
    Dim BCpath As String
    Dim myFile As Variant

    Ppath = VBA.InputBox("Do you want to update a BC program, or and AC program? Type AC, or BC ")

    SAPnum = VBA.InputBox("Please Enter The Program Name")

    BCpath = "F:\Secure\Inspection\CMM Programs_Temporary_PCDmis" & "" & SAPnum & ""
    ACpath = "F:\Secure\Inspection\CMM Programs_Temporary_PCDmis\AC_PROGRAMS" & "" & SAPnum & ""

    If Ppath = "BC" Then
    CurrentPath = BCpath
    Else: CurrentPath = ACpath
    End If

    myFile = SAPnum & ".PRG"

    'Set the folder name to a variable
    folderName = CurrentPath

    'Set the reference to the FSO Library
    Set FSOLibrary = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Another Macro must call LoopAllSubFolders Macro to start
    LoopAllSubFolders FSOLibrary.GetFolder(folderName), myFile

    Exit Sub

    End Sub
    Sub LoopAllSubFolders(FSOFolder As Object, myFile)

    Dim FSOSubFolder As Object
    Dim FSOFile As Object
    Dim MyPath As String
    Dim MyCommand As Object
    Dim CurrCommand As String

    'For each subfolder call the macro
    For Each FSOSubFolder In FSOFolder.subfolders
    LoopAllSubFolders FSOSubFolder, myFile

    For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.Files

    'Insert the actions to be performed on each file
    If FSOFile.NAME = "" Then GoTo Done
    If FSOFile.NAME = myFile Then

    'Create an instance for PCDmis
    Set app = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    MyPath = FSOFile.Path
    'Debug.Print MyPath

    'Wait for PCDmis to load up
    app.WaitUntilReady (20)

    'set program to active part program
    Set parts = app.PartPrograms
    Set part = parts.Open(MyPath, "Offline")
    app.Visible = False
    Set cmds = part.Commands

    For Each cmd In cmds
    Debug.Print cmd.ID

    If cmd.IsFileIOCommand Then
    Set MyCommand = cmd.FileIOCommand
    Debug.Print MyCommand.FilePointerID
    CurrCommand = MyCommand.FilePointerID

    If CurrCommand = ("PART_COMPLETE") Then
    cmd.Marked = False

    End If

    End If

    Next cmd


    End If
    'Debug.Print FSOFile.NAME
    'Release Memory of Objects
    Set app = Nothing
    Set part = Nothing
    Set parts = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing
    Set cmds = Nothing
    Set MyCommand = Nothing

    End Sub

  • Just a little update. After a whole day of banging my head off the wall, I finally figured it out! The updated code will be posted below if anyone needs to do something similar. Just to understand a little more of what I needed to do. We store our PCDmis programs in 2 directories. A permanent folder, which is locked so operators cannot access, and is used for programs that have been proved out. Then we have a temporary folder for NEW programs that haven't been proved out. For all new programs I have a FileIO command that writes the part# to a text file when the program has ran all the way through. So then I go review the report for that part and make sure nothing is wonky, then move the program over to the permanent folder so our operators do not have to run the CMM in slow thinking part has never been ran before. The problem I have with the FileIO command is you have to go unmark those couple "writeline" commands or else every time the part runs, its prints to that text file. So I have to manually have to go into each program, and "blue" those lines out when moving to the permanent folder. I could have written a code to paste the actually directory in my input box so it would do it for one single program, but the problem is we have many different CMM's so we have the same program in subfolder after subfolder for each machine. So I wanted a to write a code where it found the part number folder and searched through each individual subfolder and updated every instance of that program. The code on this original post was only searching for the file one subfolder deep so it was kicking out of the loop. We typically have at least 2 or 3 subfolders until you find the actual program, so I found another way to get to it. Here it is.

    Sub UnmarkProgramNotification()
    Dim FSOLibrary As Object
    Dim FSOFolder As Object
    Dim folderName As String
    Dim Ppath As String
    Dim CurrentPath As String
    Dim SAPnum As String
    Dim ACpath As String
    Dim BCpath As String
    Dim myFile As Variant

    Ppath = VBA.InputBox("Do you want to update a BC program, or and AC program? Type AC, or BC ")

    SAPnum = VBA.InputBox("Please Enter The Program Name")

    BCpath = "F:\Secure\Inspection\CMM Programs_Temporary_PCDmis" & "" & SAPnum & ""
    ACpath = "F:\Secure\Inspection\CMM Programs_Temporary_PCDmis\AC_PROGRAMS" & "" & SAPnum & ""

    If Ppath = "BC" Then
    CurrentPath = BCpath
    Else: CurrentPath = ACpath
    End If

    myFile = SAPnum & ".PRG"

    'Set the folder name to a variable
    folderName = CurrentPath

    'Set the reference to the FSO Library
    Set FSOLibrary = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Another Macro must call LoopAllSubFolders Macro to start
    LoopAllSubFolders FSOLibrary.GetFolder(folderName), myFile

    Exit Sub

    End Sub
    Sub LoopAllSubFolders(FSOFolder As Object, myFile)

    Dim FSOSubFolder As Object
    Dim FSOFile As Object
    Dim MyPath As String
    Dim MyCommand As Object
    Dim CurrCommand As String

    'For each subfolder call the macro
    For Each FSOSubFolder In FSOFolder.subfolders
    LoopAllSubFolders FSOSubFolder, myFile

    For Each FSOFile In FSOFolder.Files

    'Insert the actions to be performed on each file
    If FSOFile.NAME = "" Then GoTo Done
    If FSOFile.NAME = myFile Then

    'Create an instance for PCDmis
    Set app = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    MyPath = FSOFile.Path
    'Debug.Print MyPath

    'Wait for PCDmis to load up
    app.WaitUntilReady (20)

    'set program to active part program
    Set parts = app.PartPrograms
    Set part = parts.Open(MyPath, "Offline")
    app.Visible = False
    Set cmds = part.Commands

    For Each cmd In cmds
    Debug.Print cmd.ID

    If cmd.IsFileIOCommand Then
    Set MyCommand = cmd.FileIOCommand
    Debug.Print MyCommand.FilePointerID
    CurrCommand = MyCommand.FilePointerID

    If CurrCommand = ("PART_COMPLETE") Then
    cmd.Marked = False

    End If

    End If

    Next cmd


    End If
    'Debug.Print FSOFile.NAME
    'Release Memory of Objects
    Set app = Nothing
    Set part = Nothing
    Set parts = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing
    Set cmds = Nothing
    Set MyCommand = Nothing

    End Sub

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