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Converter for GETTEXT() Xact data values to new GeoTol (2020 R2)

An external converter for the hassle of converting all your programs using GETTEXT() to grab data from XactMeasure evaluations to the new GeoTol evaluations.

Original converter script - neil.challinor
VB.Net adaptation -
Debugging and extra features -

This utility was developed to assist PC-DMIS users during the transition to PC-DMIS 2020 R2.
2020 R2 introduced the Geometric Tolerance command, which is not compatible with the GETTEXT() command.
This utility will convert a program's GETTEXT() commands into commands that are compatible with 2020 R2.

Directions for use:
- Open PC-DMIS (PC-DMIS must be running during the conversion).
- Choose the directory containing the program(s) requiring conversion.
- Choose from the two checkbox options:

1. 'Overwrite?' - This checkbox, if selected, will allow the
application to overwrite your program after conversion.
You should only select this option if you are not planning on
running a version of PC-DMIS older than 2020 R2.

2. 'Invisible Mode' - This checkbox, if selected, will allow
PC-DMIS to perform the conversion process in invisible
mode. You will not see the PC-DMIS window as it cycles
through your programs. This method is faster.

- Press the 'Go!' button.

The converter will search the folder you selected and subfolders for all .PRG's.
It will list the programs found in the textbox and also display how many programs that were found.

In order to not get blamed for providing infected files, the source does not contain DLL's or EXE's.
To compile, just drop your version of the Interop.PCDLRN.dll in the bin/Release or bin/Debug folder and compile.
The dll can be found in your PC-DMIS install folder.

As always, try it out on copies of your part programs first!

PCDGetTextReplace_src.zip - Source VB.NET

PCDGT.zip - compiled binary with dll

6b568f8532e921d835bf284b77e93bfaaa847912c6dabb5af6 4ca2917207c1d8

6b568f8532e921d835bf284b77e93bfaaa847912c6dabb5af6 4ca2917207c1d8
6665881142a4aaa70351c87107b3cd74860bfcecf01f4163cc c7a78d62113dfc
T151536C037724BFA2CD6DC735163F519385B5EC581729EB69 78CAD0464CA8AC00EBB7B2
File type
Win32 EXE
PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly
File size
64.50 KB (66048 bytes)
PEiD packer
.NET executable

0370cdcb927ee87674f34701e56c1f0f081acffb00a8822243 a61c60299087d6

0370cdcb927ee87674f34701e56c1f0f081acffb00a8822243 a61c60299087d6
bb4daaf6750740a7a8a55f59437dc037763f0c882f9cab6f06 03aca6fa6b1fb4
12288:q9OXo5ijs12PwR+uxnc9aWNIPSJEbelQXahE3x6pwtuw C7v5zqky/Ii1/s:q9OXo5ijs12PwR+uxnc9aWNIPSJEbelf
File type
Win32 DLL
PE32 executable for MS Windows (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 32-bit Mono/.Net assembly
File size
388.00 KB (397312 bytes)
PEiD packer
.NET executable
  • Took a stab at converting the provided script.

    ** NOTE ** This is *customized* for !

    Binaries and source included.

    Take copies of some programs and drop these in a folder and run the app, point the app to the folder with your copied programs (not your production programs!). Let the app finish and check the programs to see if it did what you expected it to do.

    The functions from the first script (post #1) has been replaced with the functions (see script in post #9) specific for 's application.
    Other than that, the instructions for running the app are the same.


    I ran it, but it stopped after a few programs (running invisible) with an error. Plus, the DPTR wasn't created to point to the feature name. Don't spend too much time on this, unless you really want to. I can forward you a program if you wanted to do additional testing.

    I might go the route of programs made up to a certain point run 2020R1 and programs created after a certain point run 2020R2 and utilize the WAI Starter.

    ​​​​ neil.challinor Is there a way that 2020R2 or later releases could still read Xact measure, in the background, and leave it alone. Xact would be disabled from any dropdowns/icons. But if you wanted to edit it, the software would force you change it to Geo Tol?
  • No, that wouldn't be possible. As soon as an existing routine is opened in 2020 R2 or later, it will go through the migration process. This happens as the routine is being read in - before it even shows in the edit window - so there is no way to circumvent it. Furthermore XactMeasure has been completely disabled inside of PC-Dmis in preparation for us to begin removing that code (which is now redundant).
  • No, that wouldn't be possible. As soon as an existing routine is opened in 2020 R2 or later, it will go through the migration process. This happens as the routine is being read in - before it even shows in the edit window - so there is no way to circumvent it. Furthermore XactMeasure has been completely disabled inside of PC-Dmis in preparation for us to begin removing that code (which is now redundant).
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