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Sub Main() On Error Resume Next ' Dim something Dim sOutput As String Dim vOutput As Object Set vOutput = CreateObject("PCDLRN.DimData") Dim CmdText, StrValue, SubCmdText, NumTest As String Dim nPos1, nPos2 As Integer Dim DblTest1, DblTest2 As Double NumTest = "0123456789" Dim App, Part, Cmds, Cmd As Object Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") If (Not App.WaitUntilReady(300)) Or (App Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Machine did not initialize, Exiting" Exit Sub End If Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram Set Cmds = Part.Commands Set Cmd = Nothing ' Loop all Commands For Each Cmd In Cmds ' Get Command Text from EditWindow CmdText = Cmd.Application.ActivePartProgram.EditWindow.GetCommandText(Cmd) ' only Geometric_Tolerace If (Cmd.IsDimension) And (InStr(1, CmdText, "=GEOMETRI") <> 0) Then ' Parse CmdText To OTOL 'SEGMENT nPos1 = InStr(1, CmdText, "SEGMENT") vOutput.Plus = 0 If nPos1 > 0 Then nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ":") SubCmdText = Mid(CmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) nPos1 = InStr(1, SubCmdText, ",") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, SubCmdText, ",") While nPos1 <> 0 StrValue = Mid(SubCmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) If InStr(1, NumTest, Left(StrValue, 1)) <> 0 Then vOutput.Plus = CDbl(StrValue) End If nPos1 = nPos2 nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, SubCmdText, ",") Wend End If ' Parse CmdText To MEASURED 'MULT= ': ': , nPos1 = InStr(1, CmdText, "MULT=") vOutput.Meas = 0 If nPos1 > 0 Then nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ":") If nPos2 > 0 Then nPos1 = InStr(nPos2 + 1, CmdText, ":") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ",") While nPos1 <> 0 StrValue = Mid(CmdText, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1) If InStr(1, NumTest, Left(StrValue, 1)) <> 0 Then If vOutput.Meas = 0 Then ' Single Line MEASURED vOutput.Meas = CDbl(StrValue) vOutput.Max = vOutput.Meas vOutput.Min = vOutput.Meas Else ' special Case multi Line MEASURED If CDbl(StrValue) > vOutput.Max Then vOutput.Max = CDbl(StrValue) If CDbl(StrValue) < vOutput.Min Then vOutput.Min = CDbl(StrValue) End If End If nPos1 = InStr(nPos2 + 1, CmdText, ":") nPos2 = InStr(nPos1 + 1, CmdText, ",") Wend End If End If ' the rest vOutput.Bonus = 0 vOutput.nom = 0 vOutput.Minus = 0 vOutput.Dev = vOutput.Meas vOutput.DevAngle = 0 DblTest1 = vOutput.Plus DblTest2 = vOutput.Max If (DblTest1 - DblTest2) < 0 Then vOutput.Out = Abs(DblTest1 - DblTest2) Else vOutput.Out = 0 End If ' Do something With vOutput sOutput = Cmd.ID & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "nominal:" & CStr(vOutput.nom) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "measured: " & CStr(vOutput.Meas) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "tol plus: " & CStr(vOutput.Plus) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "tol minus: " & CStr(vOutput.Minus) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "out of Tol: " & CStr(vOutput.Out) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "max: " & CStr(vOutput.Max) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) sOutput = sOutput & "min: " & CStr(vOutput.Min) MsgBox sOutput End If Next Cmd Set Cmds = Nothing Set Cmd = Nothing Set Part = Nothing Set App = Nothing Set vOutput = Nothing End Sub
Sub test() Dim App, Part, Cmds, DmisCommand As Object Dim OutputText, sPuffer As String Dim RetVal Dim LoopIndex As Integer Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") Set Part = App.PartPrograms.Item(1) Set Cmds = Part.Commands For Each DmisCommand In Cmds If (DmisCommand.Type = ISO_TOLERANCE_COMMAND) Or (DmisCommand.Type = ASME_TOLERANCE_COMMAND) Then OutputText = "STANDARD: " & DmisCommand.GetText(STANDARD, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "UNIT_TYPE: " & DmisCommand.GetText(UNIT_TYPE, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "SEGMENT_TYPE_TOGGLE: " & DmisCommand.GetText(SEGMENT_TYPE_TOGGLE, 1) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "OUTPUT_TYPE: " & DmisCommand.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "ARROW_DENSITY: " & DmisCommand.GetText(ARROW_DENSITY, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "Upper Toleranz: " & DmisCommand.GetText(FORM_TOLERANCE, 1) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "lower Toleranz: " & "0" & Chr(13) LoopIndex = 1 sPuffer = DmisCommand.GetText(REF_ID, LoopIndex) While sPuffer <> "" OutputText = OutputText & " ->" & sPuffer & " = " & DmisCommand.GetTextEx(DIM_DEVIATION, LoopIndex, "SEG=1") & Chr(13) LoopIndex = LoopIndex + 1 sPuffer = DmisCommand.GetText(REF_ID, LoopIndex) Wend MsgBox OutputText End If Next DmisCommand End Sub
DmisCommand.GetTextEx(SIZE_NOMINAL, 0, "SIZE")
DmisCommand.GetText(UPPER_SIZE, LoopIndex)
DmisCommand.GetText(LOWER_SIZE, LoopIndex)
Sub test() Dim App, Part, Cmds, DmisCommand As Object Dim OutputText, sPuffer As String Dim RetVal Dim LoopIndex As Integer Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") Set Part = App.PartPrograms.Item(1) Set Cmds = Part.Commands For Each DmisCommand In Cmds If (DmisCommand.Type = ISO_TOLERANCE_COMMAND) Or (DmisCommand.Type = ASME_TOLERANCE_COMMAND) Then OutputText = "STANDARD: " & DmisCommand.GetText(STANDARD, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "UNIT_TYPE: " & DmisCommand.GetText(UNIT_TYPE, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "SEGMENT_TYPE_TOGGLE: " & DmisCommand.GetText(SEGMENT_TYPE_TOGGLE, 1) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "OUTPUT_TYPE: " & DmisCommand.GetText(OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "Upper Toleranz: " & DmisCommand.GetText(FORM_TOLERANCE, 1) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "lower Toleranz: " & "0" & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & "SIZE_NOMINAL: " & DmisCommand.GetTextEx(SIZE_NOMINAL, 0, "SIZE") & Chr(13) LoopIndex = 1 sPuffer = DmisCommand.GetText(REF_ID, LoopIndex) While sPuffer <> "" OutputText = OutputText & " ->" & sPuffer & " DIM_DEVIATION = " & DmisCommand.GetTextEx(DIM_DEVIATION, LoopIndex, "SEG=1") & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & " ->" & sPuffer & " UPPER_SIZE = " & DmisCommand.GetText(UPPER_SIZE, LoopIndex) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & " ->" & sPuffer & " LOWER_SIZE = " & DmisCommand.GetText(LOWER_SIZE, LoopIndex) & Chr(13) OutputText = OutputText & " " & Chr(13) LoopIndex = LoopIndex + 1 sPuffer = DmisCommand.GetText(REF_ID, LoopIndex) Wend MsgBox OutputText End If Next DmisCommand End Sub
Sub Main (strVariable As String, reasonVar As String) 'xl Declarations Dim xlApp As Object Dim xlWorkbooks As Object Dim xlWorkbook As Object Dim xlSheet As Object Dim count As Integer 'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg Dim App As Object Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application") Dim Part As Object Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram Dim Cmds As Object Set Cmds = Part.Commands Dim Cmd As Object Dim DCmd As Object Dim DcmdID As Object Dim DimID As String Dim fs As Object Dim ReportDim As String Dim CheckDim As String 'Check To see If results file exists FilePath = "" '.xlsm And .bas files location DataPath = "" 'report save location Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ResFileExists = fs.fileexists(DataPath & Part.partname & " " & strVariable & " " & reasonVar & ".xlsm") 'check program folder For .xlsm file 'Open Excel And Base form Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlWorkbooks = xlapp.Workbooks If ResFileExists = False Then TempFilename = FilePath & "Loop Template Column.xlsm" Else TempFilename = DataPath & Part.partname & " " & strVariable & " " & reasonVar & ".xlsm" End If Set xlWorkbook = xlWorkbooks.Open(TempFilename) Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") If ResFileExists = False Then RCount=6 CCount=3 xlSheet.Range("B1").Value = Part.PartName xlSheet.Range("E4").Value = Date() & " " & Time() xlSheet.Range("D1").Value = strVariable xlSheet.Range("C2").Value = reasonVar For Each Cmd In Cmds 'Eliminate DATDEF's If Cmd.Type <> 1299 Then 'Do Dimensions If Cmd.IsDimension Then If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand DimID = DcmdID.ID ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) End If If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _ Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION Then Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) If CheckDim <> "" Then ReportDim = CheckDim End If If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "STATS" Then If DCmd.ID = "" Then xlSheet.Cells(RCount,4).Value = DimID & " . "& DCmd.AxisLetter Else xlSheet.Cells(RCount,4).Value = DCmd.ID & " . " & "M" End If xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = DCmd.Nominal xlSheet.Cells(RCount,2).Value = DCmd.Plus xlSheet.Cells(RCount,3).Value = DCmd.Minus 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then xlSheet.Cells(RCount,5).Value = DCmd.Measured Else xlSheet.Cells(RCount,5).Value = DCmd.Deviation End If 'Add Min/Max For Profile dimensions If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then RCount=RCount+1 xlSheet.Cells(RCount,4).Value = DCmd.ID & "." & "Max" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = DCmd.Nominal xlSheet.Cells(RCount,2).Value = DCmd.Plus xlSheet.Cells(RCount,3).Value = DCmd.Minus xlSheet.Cells(RCount,5).Value = DCmd.Max RCount=RCount+1 xlSheet.Cells(RCount,4).Value = DCmd.ID & "." & "Min" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = DCmd.Nominal xlSheet.Cells(RCount,2).Value = DCmd.Plus xlSheet.Cells(RCount,3).Value = DCmd.Minus xlSheet.Cells(RCount,5).Value = DCmd.Min End If RCount=RCount+1 End If End If End If 'Do GDT If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "STATS" Then xlSheet.Cells(RCount,4).Value = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) & "." & "FCF" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,1).Value = "0" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,2).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, 1) xlSheet.Cells(RCount,3).Value = "0" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,5).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_DEV, 1) RCount=RCount+1 End If End If End If Next Cmd Else 'Find first Open column. CCount=5 Found=0 Do Until Found = 1 CCount = CCount + 1 If xlSheet.Cells(4,CCount).Value = "" Then Found=1 End If Loop xlSheet.Cells(4,CCount).Value = Date() & " " & Time() xlSheet.Cells(5,CCount).Value = " Part " & CCount - 4 'Fill In measured data RCount = 6 For Each Cmd In Cmds 'Eliminate DATDEF's If Cmd.Type <> 1299 Then 'Do Dimensions If Cmd.IsDimension Then If Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_START_LOCATION Or Cmd.Type = DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION Then Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand DimID = DcmdID.ID ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) End If If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _ Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION Then Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand CheckDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) If CheckDim <> "" Then ReportDim = CheckDim End If If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "STATS" Then 'Measured Or Deviation With check For True Position If DCmd.AxisLetter <> "TP" Then xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = DCmd.Measured Else xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = DCmd.Deviation End If 'Add Min/Max For Profile dimensions If Cmd.Type = 1118 Or Cmd.Type = 1105 Then RCount=RCount+1 xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = DCmd.Max RCount=RCount+1 xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = DCmd.Min End If Rcount=Rcount+1 End If End If End If 'Do GDT If Cmd.Type = 184 Then ReportDim = Cmd.GetText ( OUTPUT_TYPE, 0) If ReportDim = "BOTH" Or ReportDim = "STATS" Then xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) & "." & "FCF" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = "0" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, 1) xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = "0" xlSheet.Cells(RCount,CCount).Value = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_DEV, 1) RCount=RCount+1 End If End If End If Next Cmd End If 'Save And Cleanup Set xlSheet = Nothing SaveName = DataPath & Part.partname & " " & strVariable & " " & reasonVar & ".xlsm" If ResFileExists = False Then xlWorkBook.SaveAs SaveName Else xlWorkBook.Save End If xlWorkbook.Close Set xlWorkbook = Nothing xlWorkbooks.Close Set xlWorkbooks = Nothing xlApp.Quit Set xlApp = Nothing LabelEnd: End Sub
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