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Printing 2x Types of Reports - Help Required Please!!!!!!


Hoping someone may be able to help or tell me if this is even possible.

I have created programs for our CNC Engineers to run on our shop floor CMMs. Everything is running fine but I was thinking of creating a custom report to make things easier for the engineers. everything is running in protected mode, so they cant make any changes.

All my report printing is automated. so the report is automatically sent to the part folder etc. based on the information entered into the routine by the engineers. i am also using Q-Das to help with the spc but currently I am showing text only report but i am going to create a custom cad based report.

Does any one know of anyway, i can still show my custom report for the engineers but print off the text report to the part folder so our inspection department can review the text only report and adjust things if necessary.

I can re output the dimensions at the bottom of the report so that i can create a text report from this information, just struggling to do this.

Would really appreciate if anyone could help