I received a program from Stellantis that has the following parameter: FEATURE LOCATOR=NO,NO,"F4992M324 - POINT - INSP=D METAL=0.914 TYPE=10". I am unfamiliar with editing these parameters, and was wondering if someone could explain the effect this parameter has on a measured point. The full point is as such:
F4700M324 =FEAT/CONTACT/VECTOR POINT/DEFAULT,CARTESIAN THEO/<1664.77,401.682,1307.33>,<-0.358794,0.123698,0.9251841> ACTL/<1664.773,401.711,1307.338>,<-0.358794,0.123698,0.9251841> TARG/<1664.77,401.682,1307.33>,<-0.358794,0.123698,0.9251841> SHOW FEATURE PARAMETERS=YES SURFACE=THICKNESS_NONE,0.914 MEASURE MODE=NOMINALS RMEAS=NONE,NONE,NONE AUTO WRIST=NO GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS=NO FEATURE LOCATOR=NO,NO,"F4992M324 - POINT - INSP=D METAL=0.914 TYPE=10" SHOW CONTACT PARAMETERS=YES AVOIDANCE MOVE=BOTH,DISTANCE=30 SHOW HITS=YES HIT/BASIC,<1664.773,401.711,1307.338>,<-0.358794,0.123698,0.9251841>,<1664.773,401.711,130 7.338> ENDMEAS/
Does this parameter, somehow influence material thickness of a point? The given coordinates are inside material, however I do not find anything pointing to an "Actual_Thickness" to compensate. Does this somehow modify this without using
"FEATURE LOCATOR" should help you to find a feature on the part. Typically in manual mode.
You can save a sound file that will be played when you get closer with your Probe to the feature.
Or you can deposit a picture here.
the string parameter actually specifies the path to the corresponding file.
In your case something was written there that maybe or maybe doesn't have anything to do with your part.
this parameter has no influence whatsoever on any measurement results or approach paths for this specific feature.
however, this parameter can be read out with an assign/variable.
Maybe it was used for something somewhere in your program.
this "
SURFACE=THICKNESS_NONE,0.914" value seems to be a kind of offset along the VectorPoint-vector, which affects the approach path.
but i have never used it.
and i dont think you need it, if you have cad