Hello all,
Very general question.
Is anyone aware of a program that would compare the results of 2 identical
programs and show the individual point deviations in an excel file.
Example--first program would be a best fit.
2nd program would be a final.
Programs would be identical in the sense that the theoretical point locations
would be the same in both programs, but the alignments would
be different in the first and 2nd programs.
Thanks for the input. I was afraid there wouldn't be an existing script that was so specific.
I did forget to mention that I was looking for the difference between the measured total deviation
of each individual point in the first program vs the second program.
I tried to export to excel, but I don't need or want the format PCD2Excel provides.
Is there a script that shows the code to write the feature name and feature point deviation to
specific cells in excel?
Believe it or not, I have tried the text file approach and imported into
Excel. I just wanted to automate it more by writing directly into the
Excel file from PCDMIS with a script.
I have an airfoil contour with approx 500 points. Critical, closer tolerance
points (vector points) are best fit and manufacturing is given an adjustment
to their undersize datum holes. (That's program 1 with a best fit).
When the part comes back for a final inspection (program 2), with full size datum holes,
(Alignment is now to full size datum holes),
I want to compare the difference between the deviations of the 500 vector points
in both programs.
Theoretically, the 500 points should have the same deviation in both programs.
Maybe in a parallel universe, but not in this reality.