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A user was kind enough to let me check some things on his PC-Dmis computer and I learn some things. As it turns out, it looks like we can access temp compensation information without using PC-Dmis Automation. After parsing through the Windows registry, it appears that PC-Dmis stores the temp compensation information in the registry. A stand-alone C#/VB console application would be all you need to extract the temp compensation information. That being said, accessing the registry programmatically is not for the novice. For one, C#/VB code for accessing the registry is a little complicated. You also will need to know the internal PC-Dmis version number in order to find the right registries. Finding the internal version number is a little easier with later versions, for the most part it's the external version number (i.e., 2021) with the MR number appended as a decimal (i.e. Version 2022 MR 1 would be 2022.1).
If there is still an interest on this issue, I think I have some code for when I wrote a PC-Dmis Automation application that allowed the user to switch between multiple PC-Dmis versions installed on the same computer, which required code to access the registry. If I can find it, I'll see if I can put together a simple console application that can access the temp data in the registry and post it here. It will be a read only application so as to not inadvertently screw up your registry.
Looking into extracting axis sensor temperatures, Curtemp did not seem to update automatically, and was not in the registerary at all when I looked on a 2022-installation. Anyone who knows how?
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