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Automatic probe calibration script

I'd like to make an automatic script that will calibrate automaticaly all probes and tips positions used in a program. I uses a MCR20 probe changer with 6 modules.
Find attached the program i wrote but it doesn't work very well.
It open the probe calibration window and select only the tip position used in the program to calibrate but then, it ask me if i want to calibrate all the probe positions (when i use the command 'qualify2').
There is a mistake or something i don't understand !!

Is there anyone who could help me?


Attached Files
  • Yes Jan d.,
    You said all the interest it give to write such a script.

    The zz= actuprb.qualify2 works but the problem is that it doesn't take in account the selected tips positions made before in the script. It ask if I want to calibrate all the positions.

    I have also tried to use the actuprb.qualify command wich take in account the selected tips positions but if i haven't calibrate one probe just before to run the script, it doesn't work.
    I think there's something missing in the script but what???

    I'm using PCDMIS V3.7 MR3

    For those who don't see the attached file, see the script lines just after:

    ' Routine de calibration automatique de tous les palpeurs utilisés dans un programme
    Sub main
    ' ces variables sont pour acceder à l'application PC-DMIS
    Dim Application As Object
    Dim part As Object
    Dim cmds As Object
    Dim cmd As Object
    Dim prb As Object
    ' these variables are used To manipulate
    ' the return value from GetToggleString
    Dim togglestring As String
    Dim togglecount As Integer
    ' probes variables And tool variable
    Dim actuprb As Object
    Dim actutip As Object
    Dim posactu As Object
    Dim actusettings As Object
    Dim actutool As Object
    Dim actusphere As Object
    Dim palpactuel, posactuel As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim i,palpdeb As Integer
    Dim tt,newpalpeur,zz As Boolean
    ' Get the application variable And make sure it is valid
    Set Application = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    If Application is Nothing Then
    msgbox "Impossible de trouver l'application PCDMIS --> fin de la procédure."
    End If
    ' Get the part variable And make sure it is valid
    Dim programs As Object
    Set programs = Application.PartPrograms
    Set part = Application.ActivePartProgram
    partname = part.fullname
    If part is Nothing Then
    msgbox "Impossible de trouver un programme actif --> fin de la procédure."
    End If
    ' Get the cmds variable And make sure it is valid
    Set cmds = part.Commands
    If cmds is Nothing Then
    msgbox "Impossible de trouver les commandes du programme --> fin de la procédure."
    End If
    Dim palpeur (6) As String
    Dim positions(6) As String
    Dim ii,jj,nbpalp As Integer
    For jj=1 To 6
    palpeur (jj)=" "
    ' Loop over all the commands To find used probes
    ' pour trouver tous les palpeurs utilisés
    For Each cmd In cmds
    If cmd.Type=61 Then '61 est commande charg palpeur / load probe command
    For jj=1 To 6
    If palpeur(jj)=togglestring Then
    End If
    Next jj
    If newpalpeur=True Then
    End If
    End If
    Next cmd
    Dim numligne%
    Dim txt$
    ' Loop over all the commands To find all tip positions
    ' pour trouver toutes les positions palpeurs utilisées
    For Each cmd In cmds
    If cmd.Type=61 Then '61 est commande charg palpeur / load probe command

    For jj=1 To nbpalp
    If palpeur(jj)=palpactuel Then
    End If
    Next jj

    End If

    If cmd.Type=60 Then '60 est commande contact... / 60= Select tip command
    txt$=txt$ & posactuel & ";"
    positions(ii)= txt$
    End If
    Next cmd

    ' Calibration de tous les palpeurs détectés précédemment
    ' Calibrate all probes And positions detected before
    Dim nomoutil$
    Set prb= part.probes
    Set actutool=part.tools
    Set actusphere=actutool.item(1)
    Set actuprb=prb.item(togglestring)
    Set actutip=actuprb.tips
    Set actusettings=actuprb.qualificationsettings
    tt= actusettings.settool(actusphere)

    'zz= actuprb.qualify2 (actusettings)
    For ii=1 To nbpalp
    Set actuprb=prb.item(togglestring)
    Set actutip=actuprb.tips
    For jj=1 To actutip.count
    Set posactu=actutip.item (jj)
    nomoutil$= posactu.id
    If instr(1,positions(ii),nomoutil$) Then
    End If
    msgbox togglestring & " " & txt$
    tt= actuprb.qualify2 (actusettings)
    msgbox "Qualification terminée !!"
    End Sub
  • Yes Jan d.,
    You said all the interest it give to write such a script.

    The zz= actuprb.qualify2 works but the problem is that it doesn't take in account the selected tips positions made before in the script. It ask if I want to calibrate all the positions.

    I have also tried to use the actuprb.qualify command wich take in account the selected tips positions but if i haven't calibrate one probe just before to run the script, it doesn't work.
    I think there's something missing in the script but what???

    I'm using PCDMIS V3.7 MR3

    For those who don't see the attached file, see the script lines just after:

    ' Routine de calibration automatique de tous les palpeurs utilisés dans un programme
    Sub main
    ' ces variables sont pour acceder à l'application PC-DMIS
    Dim Application As Object
    Dim part As Object
    Dim cmds As Object
    Dim cmd As Object
    Dim prb As Object
    ' these variables are used To manipulate
    ' the return value from GetToggleString
    Dim togglestring As String
    Dim togglecount As Integer
    ' probes variables And tool variable
    Dim actuprb As Object
    Dim actutip As Object
    Dim posactu As Object
    Dim actusettings As Object
    Dim actutool As Object
    Dim actusphere As Object
    Dim palpactuel, posactuel As String
    Dim s As String
    Dim i,palpdeb As Integer
    Dim tt,newpalpeur,zz As Boolean
    ' Get the application variable And make sure it is valid
    Set Application = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    If Application is Nothing Then
    msgbox "Impossible de trouver l'application PCDMIS --> fin de la procédure."
    End If
    ' Get the part variable And make sure it is valid
    Dim programs As Object
    Set programs = Application.PartPrograms
    Set part = Application.ActivePartProgram
    partname = part.fullname
    If part is Nothing Then
    msgbox "Impossible de trouver un programme actif --> fin de la procédure."
    End If
    ' Get the cmds variable And make sure it is valid
    Set cmds = part.Commands
    If cmds is Nothing Then
    msgbox "Impossible de trouver les commandes du programme --> fin de la procédure."
    End If
    Dim palpeur (6) As String
    Dim positions(6) As String
    Dim ii,jj,nbpalp As Integer
    For jj=1 To 6
    palpeur (jj)=" "
    ' Loop over all the commands To find used probes
    ' pour trouver tous les palpeurs utilisés
    For Each cmd In cmds
    If cmd.Type=61 Then '61 est commande charg palpeur / load probe command
    For jj=1 To 6
    If palpeur(jj)=togglestring Then
    End If
    Next jj
    If newpalpeur=True Then
    End If
    End If
    Next cmd
    Dim numligne%
    Dim txt$
    ' Loop over all the commands To find all tip positions
    ' pour trouver toutes les positions palpeurs utilisées
    For Each cmd In cmds
    If cmd.Type=61 Then '61 est commande charg palpeur / load probe command

    For jj=1 To nbpalp
    If palpeur(jj)=palpactuel Then
    End If
    Next jj

    End If

    If cmd.Type=60 Then '60 est commande contact... / 60= Select tip command
    txt$=txt$ & posactuel & ";"
    positions(ii)= txt$
    End If
    Next cmd

    ' Calibration de tous les palpeurs détectés précédemment
    ' Calibrate all probes And positions detected before
    Dim nomoutil$
    Set prb= part.probes
    Set actutool=part.tools
    Set actusphere=actutool.item(1)
    Set actuprb=prb.item(togglestring)
    Set actutip=actuprb.tips
    Set actusettings=actuprb.qualificationsettings
    tt= actusettings.settool(actusphere)

    'zz= actuprb.qualify2 (actusettings)
    For ii=1 To nbpalp
    Set actuprb=prb.item(togglestring)
    Set actutip=actuprb.tips
    For jj=1 To actutip.count
    Set posactu=actutip.item (jj)
    nomoutil$= posactu.id
    If instr(1,positions(ii),nomoutil$) Then
    End If
    msgbox togglestring & " " & txt$
    tt= actuprb.qualify2 (actusettings)
    msgbox "Qualification terminée !!"
    End Sub
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