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Yes No Input comments

Is it possible to use a YES/NO comment to branch around a portion of a program? I don't want to have to do any gymnastics to get this done. I have a program that runs sub assemblies and one of these subs sometimes has a bracket on it that I want to skip the measurements on IF it isn't there.

I'm thinking something like

IF C1.INPUT = "NO" then goto XXXXX

I keep getting an "invalid number entered" error.



    something like that?
  • then just put the labels where you need them
  • Yes. I would be nice if I could input a numerical value but for Ford and Chrysler I actually need it to have a "yes" or "no" choice. I had the if goto to labels in the original program but the customers weren't happy with it.
  • .

    Nope no spelling either.. The YES/NO comment starts with YES NO and CANCEL buttons and it's a clicker ONLY; no typing at all. Thats why I wanted to use this one.


    can you post a shortened version of the program using this here please?
    thank you.....Smiley
  • can you post a shortened version of the program using this here please?
    thank you.....Smiley

    The syntax is a string evaluation commentname.input == "yes" or commentname.input == "no"

    C1         =COMMENT/YESNO,NO,"comment text here"

    Then evaluate C1.INPUT
  • C1         =COMMENT/YESNO,***************************************************
                             ,         Do You Need To Manualy Align Part?
                             ,        This Only Needs To Be Done For First
                             ,                   Of A New Set Up!
                IF/C1.INPUT == "YES"
    manalign stuff

    for a manual alignment I just use the end_if
  • I am having a problem when entering these steps into my program.
    The program runs all the through with no problems when I click "NO" and enter the manual alignment.
    When I click "YES" it skips the manual alignment measures my plane, but when it gets to my move point it wonders off like the vector are wrong.
    I tried inserting a clearance plane and the arm wonders off as soon as it gets to the clearance plane in the program.
    Is there something I am missing.
    I just can't understand why it runs fine with the manual alignment, but when it's skipped it crashes.
    I am new to pcdmis so go easy on me.
  • I am having a problem when entering these steps into my program.
    The program runs all the through with no problems when I click "NO" and enter the manual alignment.
    When I click "YES" it skips the manual alignment measures my plane, but when it gets to my move point it wonders off like the vector are wrong.
    I tried inserting a clearance plane and the arm wonders off as soon as it gets to the clearance plane in the program.
    Is there something I am missing.
    I just can't understand why it runs fine with the manual alignment, but when it's skipped it crashes.
    I am new to pcdmis so go easy on me.

    Best bet would be to start a new thread and post your code.
    Perhaps we can see where the error is.
    There are lots of things that could be happening.
    Is the part in the same spot?
    Is the manual alignment correct?
    Even though you aren't running the manual alignment, PC-DMIS recognizes that as the alignment until it comes to the next one.
  • I saw this and thought WTF is up I didn't post that topic.. Then I realized that this thread is 3 years old.

    Gseith, see the replies to your thread.
