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Excel to Pc-Dmis

is there a script of something for getting data from an excel sheet and in to Pc-Dmis as an variable?
  • Tjena, vektor!

    Do you know the exact location of the data in the file that separates the versions from each other? If so, you could make PC-DMIS just read that line, put it in a variable and use an IF/THEN statement to decide which 'version' to run.

    A second option : you might need to code a script that parses the file and decides upon the data found which version to run.

    ...and the third, code a script that interfaces with Excel and by using COM server objects you could have Excel to sort the data out and pass it back to PC-DMIS.

    The first suggestion would clearly be the most 'easy' one...
  • You can also save your Excel sheet (with data) as a .CSV file. Then you can read it as a text file or rename it as .xyz file, and import data as a CAD.If you choose this way, you will have to change ";" by "," and write in head "XYZIJK METRIC".
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