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Counting OUTTOL in a program

NOTE: There's a much better solution here: http://www.pcdmisforum.com/showthread.php?30631-How-to-count-those-OoT-s&p=401750&viewfull=1#post401750

Forget this...

This is my script for counting the number of OUTTOL in a program, for use on older versions of PC-DMIS that don't have GETPROGRAMINFO(...).
(Sorry for Swedish, but I think you can understand it)

' Count all dimensions out of tolerance
' Set the indicated PCDMIS variable to the number
' Usage:
'            TILLDELA/OT=0
'            FUNKTION/CountOutOfTol,VISA=JA,ARG1="OT",,
'            BÖRJA_SKRIPT/
'            SLUTA_SKRIPT/
'            Antal utvärderingar utom tolerans
'            OT

Sub CountOutOfTol(OutTolVar As String)

Dim App As Object
Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Dim Part As Object
Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
Dim Cmds As Object
Set Cmds = Part.Commands
Dim Cmd As Object
Dim DCmd As Object
Dim FCFOT As String
Dim I As Integer

Dim OutTolValue As Object
Set OutTolValue = Part.GetVariableValue(OutTolVar)

If Not OutTolValue is Nothing Then

  OutTolValue.LongValue = 0

  For Each Cmd In Cmds

    If Cmd.IsDimension Then
         Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
        Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
        if (DCmd.OutTol <> 0) then
          OutTolValue.LongValue = OutTolValue.LongValue + 1
        End If
      End If
    ElseIf Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
      I = 1
      FCFOT = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, I)
      While (Not OutOfTol) And (FCFOT <> "")
        If Val(FCFOT) <> 0 Then
          OutTolValue.LongValue = OutTolValue.LongValue + 1
        End If
        I = I + 1
        FCFOT = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, I)
    End If
  Next Cmd

  If Not OutTolValue is Nothing Then
    Part.SetVariableValue OutTolVar, OutTolValue
  End If

   MsgBox "Variabeln " + OutTolVar + " saknas i PCDMIS-programmet!"
End If

End Sub

Sub Main
End Sub
  • AndersI - That is very close to my VB script for getting the Deviation values for all features to dump into a CSV file or to SQL. Didn't know the Name to go after or the value of 184... Nice !!!
  • Didn't know the Name to go after or the value of 184... Nice !!!

    I hope it works for you! Btw. the value 184 should really be FEATURE_CONTROL_FRAME instead. You can find all these values (and names) by exploring the Type Library (pcdlrn.tlb) that is imported in Excel (or any other development tool) and applying a bit of imagination...
  • What is ---> FUNKTION/CountOutOfTol,VISA=JA,ARG1="OT",,

    Cannot get Script to read value(OutTolVAR) from PC-Dmis though. Did try changing to OUTTOLVAR and OT as PC-Dmis would ASSIGN it.
    Tried changing settings in the beginning to match what I have benn using. Also swapped 184 for (FEATURE_CONTROL_FRAME). Any ideas ?
  • This works for me in 2014.1 - can't say if older versions are doing something differently...
  • I'm trying to do this as an executable (.exe) file instead of a .bas file. Did try it as a .bas file a couple of times, but value is not passing. Also, cannot insert ENDSCRIPT/ Command into PC-DMIS. Keeps going to ENDGROUP or ENDSUB.
  • I think if you set PC-DMIS to show header/footer, the number of out of tolerance features will be at the bottom (in the footer).
  • Need to keep PC-DMIS from changing the "WAIT" to "NO_WAIT" in the EXTERNALCOMMAND line. It runs fine for a while then flipst. Of course, I have to re-load the programs again. I think I saw something about locking a command line so that PC-DMIS can't change the settings in it. You're suppose to put something in front of it ??? Hate when I can't remember... LOL !!!
  • Can you add a compressed file COUNTOUTOFTOL.BAS? Thanks!!
    I also ENDSCRITP / do not add up.
  • NOTE: There's a much better solution here: http://www.pcdmisforum.com/showthread.php?30631-How-to-count-those-OoT-s&p=401750&viewfull=1#post401750

    For those interested, my script missed (at least) outtols in the second segment of composite FCF:s. Edited version:

    ' Count all dimensions out of tolerance
    ' Set the indicated PCDMIS variable to the number
    ' Usage:
    '            TILLDELA/OT=0
    '            FUNKTION/CountOutOfTol,VISA=JA,ARG1="OT",,
    '            BÖRJA_SKRIPT/
    '            SLUTA_SKRIPT/
    '            Antal utvärderingar utom tolerans
    '            OT
    Sub CountOutOfTol(OutTolVar As String)
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim FCFOT As String
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim OutTolValue As Object
    Set OutTolValue = Part.GetVariableValue(OutTolVar)
    If Not OutTolValue is Nothing Then
      OutTolValue.LongValue = 0
      For Each Cmd In Cmds
        If Cmd.IsDimension Then
          If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _
             Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
             Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_START_POSITION And _
             Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION Then
            Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
            if (DCmd.OutTol <> 0) then
              OutTolValue.LongValue = OutTolValue.LongValue + 1
            End If
          End If
        ElseIf Cmd.Type = 184 Then ' FCF
          I = 1
          FCFOT = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, I)
          While (Not OutOfTol) And (FCFOT <> "")
            If Val(FCFOT) <> 0 Then
              OutTolValue.LongValue = OutTolValue.LongValue + 1
            End If
            I = I + 1
            FCFOT = Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, I)
          I = 1
          FCFOT = Cmd.GetText (LINE3_OUTTOL, I)
          While (Not OutOfTol) And (FCFOT <> "")
            If Val(FCFOT) <> 0 Then
              OutTolValue.LongValue = OutTolValue.LongValue + 1
            End If
            I = I + 1
            FCFOT = Cmd.GetText (LINE3_OUTTOL, I)
        End If
      Next Cmd
      If Not OutTolValue is Nothing Then
        Part.SetVariableValue OutTolVar, OutTolValue
      End If
       MsgBox "Variabeln " + OutTolVar + " saknas i PCDMIS-programmet!"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Main
    End Sub