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Nominals in DIMENSIONS keep changing!

I have read most of the posts on this site, and they mainly seem to point to the nomials for the actual feature changing... and like most of you say " I have never had DMIS change a nominal ... ever! And if it is changing it on you , you have done somthing wrong!"

I am not talking about it changing a nominal for a feature! I am saying that when i create a dimension, without CAD, I have to tell it what nominal i want for the dimension, bedcause it always picks the wrong one! Then I print a report and all is fine... UNTIL I RUN THE PROGRAM AGAIN! Then, the next time i print the report, all the nominals are different and I have to update them again!

Also tolerances that i put in the angle dimension edit box won't transfer to the report at all.


  • I would suspect that the problem with nominals changing is because the features used in your alignment(s) do not have the correct xyzijk THEO values. This is an absolute must.
  • ... I wish it were that easy! All is good with the alinment features. It is a crappy situation,

    Lets say i have 2 lines, and they are .5" apart. When I go to dimension them, the dimension edit box will pull up a random measurement for the nominal like .04235" or something like that! I will then change it to what it really should be. Then lookinig at the report, it will have the correct nominal and the correct measured value. But heaven forbid I run the program again... next time the report pops up.. we are back to the nominal reading .04235" again! Measured value is correct.. but the nominal is just whatever the **** it wants it to be! It doesn't do this when i have a cad model quiet as much.

    This blows...

  • Check your workplane

    sounds like the wrong workplane to me.

    +1 +1
  • A line MUST be measured in the correct workplane, if not, it's anyones guess what it will be.

    ALSO, the dimension will 'default' the the THEO of the feature, since you are not using cad, if your THEO values for the line are NOT what you want for the nominal, you will have this issue non-stop. THEO=NOMINAL, period.
  • Workplane is definately not it... but.. this theo. issue is worth looking into. But... I am not sure what to do here. If my measurement is between 2 lines... then my nominal is the distance between them on a given axis... the distance between them is not a feature..so how can i check the theo's on it? Am i supposed to set the theo's for lines 1 and 2 on the axis i want to measure to respected positions to where the distance is the difference between the two of them?

  • Workplane is definately not it... but.. this theo. issue is worth looking into. But... I am not sure what to do here. If my measurement is between 2 lines... then my nominal is the distance between them on a given axis... the distance between them is not a feature..so how can i check the theo's on it? Am i supposed to set the theo's for lines 1 and 2 on the axis i want to measure to respected positions to where the distance is the difference between the two of them?


    If the THEO (nominal) distance between 2 lines is 10mm in X, then the THEO (nominal) X value for the lines must be 10mm different.

    Distance between 2 lines..... the lines better have the same vector, if even a little different, you are farting into the wind. Distance between 2 lines dimensions, again, farting into the wind since if the lines are not perfectly parallel, then you are not getting a single answer that does any good.
  • Alright I will try that. Now, as another example, this morning I pulled up a program that has a cad model in it, and I ran a part and the report came up and the nominals & tolerances in the report had changed. I know the noms probly changed because the cad model doesn't reflect exactly what the print does, but I had keyed in the correct nominals into the dimension, so why will it not keep the input i specifically put in? My overide should be what it uses! is there a setting for this? also why does it insist on also changing the tolerances? when you have a program with over 100 dimensions in it, and you have to fix over half of them every time you open the program, it gets very problomatic!

    There has got to be a setting that I am missing here.

  • Check F5-settings for the setting "Ignore CAD->part". If it is checked, uncheck it and try again.