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probes used in program

Hi friends Could any one help me,

Is there any way to find out how many probe file used in a particular program? other than look into the program line by line.

  • Open the probe calibration dialogue and then click on "Mark used". It will highlight all of the probes used for that program.
  • Thanks john. I mean not different tips, different probes.
  • Start at the top of your program press Alt and F3 at the same time then type in Loadprobe and count how many there are
  • Or write a script looping through the commands checking if a command is a load probe command

    dim pcapp as object
    set pcapp = crretaeobject("pcdlrn.application")
    dim pprog as object
    set pprog=pcapp.activepartprogram
    dim cmd as object
    dim cmds as object
    set cmds=pprog.commands
    for each cmd in cmds
    if cmd.isloadprobe then
    'do something here with the information
    end if
    next cmd
    set cmds=nothing
    set pprog=nothing
    set pcapp=nothing

    That's not been tested by the way it was typed in from memory so there might be typos / slight syntax errors but it demonstrated the right approach.
  • For a quick one time, you could change the edit window preferences to show probe tips only.
  • I place a document comment at the beginning of all my programs.

    First I state which probes the program uses.

    Then I state what features of what part the program will check.

    Then I have setup instructions.

    Lastly I have a log of which version of Pc-Dmis the program was created in, when, and by whom.
    This gets updated as "ran ok version.......date....person" every 6 months or so
    or more often when there is a revision change to the part I summarize what changes if any to the program
    along with "version. . . . date. . . who"

    This practice allows me to open a program and easily see what probes are needed, what the setup is like, and when the program was last run quickly and without searching.

    I also make it a habit to leave a bookmark at every loadprobe command in every program so I can easily skip to them for qualifying before running the program.

  • Wes, you are definately my CMM Hero, I would love to see some of these "Template" programs.

    Sekhar, Another thing you may want to utilize is colors. Shift + F6 then click the + next to Parameters, then select the Load Probe, Edit, Select your color and you can see every Load Probe statement by quick scrolling through your program and waiting for that color. This color scheme will load on all the programs from that point until you change colors again. Colors help me denote almost everything in my program.
  • $$ NO,
                THIS PROGRAM WILL USE THE 1_5X60
                AND THE 5X100 TO CHECK SEQ 140 5 AXIS
                MILL WORK
                TO THE FRONT OF THE MACHINE.
                AXIS.  SEE PICS
                THIS PROG. COMPLETED: 8-18-06  -W.C.
                FOR OLD P/N XXXXXXXXX
                 3.7MR3                10-21-07            -W.C.
                ran ok 3.7MR3    5-31-08         -W.C.
                REV UP TO D 
                RAN OK
                2010                      5-19-10             -W.C.
                REV UP TO F
                RAN OK 
                v2010                   3-21-11              -W.C.
                RAN OK 
                v2010(Release)              6-20-11          -W.C.
                RAN OK 
                V2011(Release)                  2-23-12            -W.C.
                RAN OK         v2011(Release)    3-9-13        -W.C.