I'm going to say sorry ahead of time for this question. I have been left with a CMM and no programmer. I was taught basic operating procedure but nothing else. I have a probe module that has gone out and have a simple question about probe modules. The module that has gone bad is a Renishaw TP20 and have a random Tesa probe module. Can I use the Tesa or do I have to get a new TP20. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
If it is a Tesastar-MP, then yes. They are built to mimic a Renishaw TP20 module. I have a Tesa module on one of my probes with no problems. BUT... Make sure the same touch trigger style is being used. If you are replacing a Standard Force (SF) TP20 module with a SF Tesastar-MP module, then you will be OK. If you have a SF TP20 Module and you have a Light Force (LF) module or a Medium Force (MF) Tesstar-MP you might have see some variation in accuracy.
If all ducks line up, just replace the probe into the Tesa and recalibrate all probes.