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help, auto save .prg after run, in a specific location variable.

I have been looking through all the past topics about this. but I am having trouble getting them working. I tried copy and pasting a few of them. and saving them as a .bas file and running the script. but i cant get one to work for me.

i currently already have a script that auto creates a folder from an operator input and saves the cmm report in that folder.

so ideally i want to follow that same train of thought and save a .prg & .cad in that same folder already created.

please advice.

  • Here's mine, feel free to use.

    Note - it doesn't save the CAD (if it did my archive would be MASSIVE)

    If I want to review the program with CAD in it I simply import the .CAD file from the original program

    JON WOOD - AUTOMETTECH LTD (UK) www.automettech.com
    Sub main()
    '========= SETTINGS =================
    'Root save directory For archive
    Dim archivePath
    archivePath = "C:\CMM\Archive\AutoArchive"
    'This is the Name of a PC-Dmis ASSIGNMENT - If it exists the value it holds will be used In the file Name
    'of the archived program (i.e. can be a serial number, Or works order number etc)
    Dim myUID
    myUID = "UID"
    'NOTE! - File Name will be In the following format...
    'SaveDirectory\Program Name\ProgramName_UniqueID_DateTime.prg
    'i.e. C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive\123456-01\123456-01_abc123_20140824104232.prg
    'archivePath = "C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive"
    'Part program = 123456-01.prg
    'Serial Number / Unique Id = abc123
    'DateTime = 24/08/2014 10:42:32
    '===========End OF SETTINGS==========
    'Create objects
    Dim pcapp As Object
    Set pcapp = createobject("pcdlrn.application")
    Dim pcpart As Object
    Set pcpart = pcapp.activepartprogram
    'Save existing program
    'Get the current program path
    Dim source_path
    source_path = pcpart.fullname
    'Get program Name (without file extension)
    Dim progname
    progname = left(pcpart.Name,len(pcpart.Name)-4)
    'Create File System Object For file operations 
    Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    'Check main archive directory And program specific directories exist
    Dim ofolder As Object
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath)
    End If
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath & "\" & progname) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath & "\" & progname)
    End If
    'Get a UID If present
    Dim uid
    Dim myvar As Object
    Set myvar = pcpart.getvariablevalue(myUID)
    If Not myVar is Nothing Then
    uid = myvar.stringvalue
    End If
    'Genrate the destination (save) path
    dest_path = archivepath & "\" & progname & "\" & progname & "_" & uid & "_" &  format(now(),"YYYYMMDDHHNNSS") & ".prg"
    'Save the file
    fso.copyfile source_path, dest_path
    'Tidy up
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set pcpart = Nothing
    Set pcapp = Nothing
    End Sub
  • Here's mine, feel free to use.

    Note - it doesn't save the CAD (if it did my archive would be MASSIVE)

    If I want to review the program with CAD in it I simply import the .CAD file from the original program

    JON WOOD - AUTOMETTECH LTD (UK) www.automettech.com
    Sub main()
    '========= SETTINGS =================
    'Root save directory For archive
    Dim archivePath
    archivePath = "C:\CMM\Archive\AutoArchive"
    'This is the Name of a PC-Dmis ASSIGNMENT - If it exists the value it holds will be used In the file Name
    'of the archived program (i.e. can be a serial number, Or works order number etc)
    Dim myUID
    myUID = "UID"
    'NOTE! - File Name will be In the following format...
    'SaveDirectory\Program Name\ProgramName_UniqueID_DateTime.prg
    'i.e. C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive\123456-01\123456-01_abc123_20140824104232.prg
    'archivePath = "C:\CMM Files\Part Program Run Instances Archive"
    'Part program = 123456-01.prg
    'Serial Number / Unique Id = abc123
    'DateTime = 24/08/2014 10:42:32
    '===========End OF SETTINGS==========
    'Create objects
    Dim pcapp As Object
    Set pcapp = createobject("pcdlrn.application")
    Dim pcpart As Object
    Set pcpart = pcapp.activepartprogram
    'Save existing program
    'Get the current program path
    Dim source_path
    source_path = pcpart.fullname
    'Get program Name (without file extension)
    Dim progname
    progname = left(pcpart.Name,len(pcpart.Name)-4)
    'Create File System Object For file operations 
    Dim fso As Object
    Set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    'Check main archive directory And program specific directories exist
    Dim ofolder As Object
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath)
    End If
    If Not fso.folderexists(archivepath & "\" & progname) Then
    Set ofolder = fso.createfolder(archivepath & "\" & progname)
    End If
    'Get a UID If present
    Dim uid
    Dim myvar As Object
    Set myvar = pcpart.getvariablevalue(myUID)
    If Not myVar is Nothing Then
    uid = myvar.stringvalue
    End If
    'Genrate the destination (save) path
    dest_path = archivepath & "\" & progname & "\" & progname & "_" & uid & "_" &  format(now(),"YYYYMMDDHHNNSS") & ".prg"
    'Save the file
    fso.copyfile source_path, dest_path
    'Tidy up
    Set fso = Nothing
    Set pcpart = Nothing
    Set pcapp = Nothing
    End Sub
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