I have a call out on a print from a plane to an ellipse created from an angled plane and a cylinder. The point called out is the point nearest the plane. Hope I'm making some sense. Thanks.
I would try :
Then create a generic line :
LENGTH,100,100 :
Then construct the pierce point between the line and the cylinder, and dimension the point.
You could have to reverse the vector line if the point is at the opposite of what you're looking for.
If the ellipse doesn't exists, replace ELL1 by a pierce point of CYL1 and PL2.
One of these days, you will have to add explanations to all your math formulas. Who knows, this might be useful for other things - if I just knew wtf the math stuff meant...
vpt.se, CROSS is the cross product (The cross product of 2 vectors yields a vector perpendicular to both of the original vectors). He's taking the cross product of the vectors of PLN2 and the CYL1 to get a vector perpendicular to both of those vectors. Then he is taking the cross product of this resulting vector and PLN2's vector to yield a vector perpendicular to both of those (this is the vector of the line that would lie in PLN2 and pass thru the min and max points on the ellipse. And assuming the ellipse was already created, he's creating a generic line with the created vector that passes through the center of the ellipse.
This is a slick way of doing this
JEFMAN! Thanks for the example!