I have a call out on a print from a plane to an ellipse created from an angled plane and a cylinder. The point called out is the point nearest the plane. Hope I'm making some sense. Thanks.
KIRBSTER269 : No, not even hurt, Kirby !
vpt.se : Look, Mike Ruff understand me and can explain it in english ! Yes !
Mike Ruff : thanks for the explanation, when I try to do it in English, it sometimes looks to Javaneese
DAN_M : I'm sure that a cmm robot from outerspace would speak easily the Javaneese as the English.
If you want to learn a little more about ellipse, you can look at this thread :
https://www.pcdmisforum.com/forum/pc...eature-ellipse at the #10,
In the
Excel vba script, there are a little maths about ellipses.