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CMM Running super slow

PcDmis 2017 R2 SP11 on a Brown and Sharp Mistral stops to 'think' for 20-30 seconds on every move, even between hits. Programs that ran for about 10-15 minutes total, are now a few hours.

Tried taking the CMM off the network and running everything off the local drive, different user logins and elevated the CMM user to admin. Had IT check to see if anything was changed from the computer, software, antivirus side and nothing.

Anyone experience anything similar and what was the solution? Tech support at Hexagon seems to be throwing darts now to try to solve the issue.
  • We experience the same problem. Only that in our case (we have dual horizontal arm CMM's) it is always the slave machine that has the delay ,"only" for about 5 seconds between each hit and move, but it's enough to make the measurement routine run for almos double the usual time. We started to experience the issue after we upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and I've seen that it particularly occurs after measuring with the optical sensor CMS HP-L-10.6
  • This is an old thread, not sure if you are asking for help or not.

    I had this on a machine, IT believes it was a corrupted user account.

    They wiped the account and made another.

    All problems gone.

    Absolutely a Windows issue for me, and it looks like for OP as well.

    If you are asking for help, I'd make another user profile on the computer, hopefully you have PcDmis installed for ALL USERS in Windows, and give it a run.

    See if that clears it.
  • I forgot to mention that our CMM is a DEA (Brown&Sharpe) Bravo HA and the software version is PC-DMIS CAD++ 2022.1.
    Our machines and computers measure 24/7 and we usually don't restart them. The slowdown happens after we run a certain number of programs and only for double-arm measuring programs. When the slowdown happens we close PC-DMIS, often a crash report pops up and everything goes back to normal.