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Pc-Dmis losing sequence for feature names

Pc-Dmis losing sequence of dafault names,I have named a feature say pln1 pnt1, i would then expect next auto point to be named pln1 pnt2. instead it is skipping evens pln1 pnt1, pln1 pnt3, pln1 pnt5 and so on. i understand PC-Dmis just does this but i would love to save myself hours of headache, if there is a fix?
  • I get that problem particularly with Legacy Positions. If you select several features at once, then type in the starting name of a new naming sequence and create them all at once, the second sequence always gets skipped. However, the numbers don't get skipped if you select one feature, type in a new naming sequence, create that feature, then select all the other features and create them.
  • I get that problem particularly with Legacy Positions. If you select several features at once, then type in the starting name of a new naming sequence and create them all at once, the second sequence always gets skipped. However, the numbers don't get skipped if you select one feature, type in a new naming sequence, create that feature, then select all the other features and create them.