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DCC alignment not automatically following manual alignment

Hello all,

I'm new to PC DMIS and I'm having an issue where it seems like my manual alignment is not properly telling my DCC alignment where the features are.

I'll get a program up and running, and then I have to move the part to a different location on the table for one reason or another.

I run another manual alignment, go to run the program, and it doesn't work.

I was able to resolve the problem by re-setting my initial alignment and updating the dependent features, but my understanding is that I shouldn't have to do this every time and that it should do it automatically.

what am I missing here?
Parents Reply Children
  • There are still a few programs here that do that exactly, nobody in the past understood and now nobody but me is convinced it is incorrect.... slightly concave face threw position results off .030" but no problem we can run that I'm told... and don't get me going on BS feature nominals taken in learn mode while they made the program
  • I have the same d@mn fight here. There are A LOT of bad habits that have been used for the last 15 years here that I am trying to break... and laziness too. Had a part that was profiled to f-b-c and I was asked how to do that since F is a curved surface. I said to offset the F points (nominally) to Z 0, construct a plane, call it datum F, then profile (Xact measure or realign and legacy) to f-b-c, simple enough. The response I got was "that's too involved, I'll do it the way it is in legacy" (part is aligned to a-b-c). There are a lot of cringeworthy discussions around here. Luckily my boss is on my side and the above part was reved to MBD and given to me. I did it right.