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Command Mode Readability

Hello, first post here, new user of PC-DMIS. So, I've given myself quite the first project, a Gen 3 LS camshaft! Confounded

I'm struggling with command mode readability. Is there any way to change the text font, size, and possibly spacing/indent between separate features? If I do a parameter change or whatever, it just seems be blend in with the previous feature, and searching through the text is straining on the eyes.. and mind... What can I do to enhance readability?


  • Debatable. It takes all kinds to make a world.

    And perhaps he's the only one brave enough to speak up?

    Also, me thinks maybe the Kirbs doth protest too much! From now on I shall call you Kirbetta!

    Not that I care, but this is a great example of the one way street we live in. You can't make fun of me but I can make fun of you. I told my late wife, at the begining, on our third date, "before this date is over, you will call me an A-hole" she said "that would never happen" I poked and aggravated her for 45 minutes straight, everything, but put her down, she then mumbled "Azz_hole" I said "what did you say?" she said "are you mad?" I said "no, Everyone's an Azz_hole, sometimes they just need to be told?" So from here on out just refer to me as "Kirbetta" I'm actually honored, coming from "mary" ol england is it "sir" Kirbetta
    or "duke"?
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