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If it isn't supported, at the least have an error message appear letting the user know the 2nd segment composite isn't being simultaneously evaluated. In Xact, it displays the DOF's for each segment and you can quickly tell (while doing a simultaneous dimension), multiple second segment DOF's - at least letting you know they're not being evaluating simultaneously. The DOF's seems be be removed by default in Geo Tol which would make it even more misleading that composites are not being sim'd.
If it isn't supported, at the least have an error message appear letting the user know the 2nd segment composite isn't being simultaneously evaluated. In Xact, it displays the DOF's for each segment and you can quickly tell (while doing a simultaneous dimension), multiple second segment DOF's - at least letting you know they're not being evaluating simultaneously. The DOF's seems be be removed by default in Geo Tol which would make it even more misleading that composites are not being sim'd.
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