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I have had some consistency issues going directly from the tracefield to the IF statement. Sometimes the value would pass-through and other times it would be ignored. To work around this, I assigned each tracefield value to a variable ahead of the IF statement. YMMV.
Adding on to this instead of starting a new discussion since its somewhat related.
The variable in the expression in my if statement is not working. I was going to ask if you can use variables as the expression and here shows you can. But im having issues.
VN1 is basically the same as VN1100. Tried doing what is in the expression. Then i made V1102 to replace whats currently in the expression and that is not working either. Am i doing something wrong?
I don't think your IF condition is valid. VN1+".TP.OUTTOL" would resolve to a sting but you are trying to compare it to a number.
I was hoping it would work since LOC1.TP.OUTTOL > 0 works and it was just another way of doing it. Unfortunately looks like that is the route im going to have to take.
You may try IF/INT(VN1+".TP.OUTTOL") > 0 to tell pcdmis you want to convert the string to a number. Not sure if this will work or not.
Unfortunately it did not. But appreciate the help!
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