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Command Mode Programming

Easy question hopefully for you high level programmers;

Does anyone have a cheat sheet for writing programs in command mode? I am still somewhat new to PCDMIS and find it much easier to change stuff within FCF's in command mode, and wanted to learn how to write the programs like inserting features, creating alignments etc. I have tried to mess with it but can't ever figure out what to type in order to get the correct aspect.

If you don't have a cheat sheet, maybe some tips on how to get better?
  • I use command mode because I like to see the code. I usually only type for creating comments, assignments, and goto's. For the most part, I still use the icons for creating alignments, dimensions, features. etc....Just make sure the cursor is at the end of you last entry.
  • I use command mode because I like to see the code. I usually only type for creating comments, assignments, and goto's. For the most part, I still use the icons for creating alignments, dimensions, features. etc....Just make sure the cursor is at the end of you last entry.

    Oh so still use the main bar (I have everything on my quickmeasure bar that I would ever need) but just use it to navigate the program easier? I have been using it recently because if I have a string of true positons or something, its easy to change the datums or nominals on all of them rather opening every FCF and revising.
  • One thing that helps with command mode is changing "Edit Window Colors" - this helps differentiate quickly the different features, dimensions, move points, etc.

    There should be threads on here that make good templates to get started with that

  • Oh so still use the main bar (I have everything on my quickmeasure bar that I would ever need) but just use it to navigate the program easier? I have been using it recently because if I have a string of true positons or something, its easy to change the datums or nominals on all of them rather opening every FCF and revising.

    I have been programming for about 6 years and only used summary mode in training. On our first CMM, I had to figure out printing pdfs to a network using inputs, assignments, and the print command. I found it much easier to edit/troubleshoot the program in command mode and I just stayed there.

    I'm not even sure if you can type in features. I would think most things you are trying to type in might not be available to type anyway.
  • One thing that helps with command mode is changing "Edit Window Colors" - this helps differentiate quickly the different features, dimensions, move points, etc.

    There should be threads on here that make good templates to get started with that

    Will look into that now

  • I have been programming for about 6 years and only used summary mode in training. On our first CMM, I had to figure out printing pdfs to a network using inputs, assignments, and the print command. I found it much easier to edit/troubleshoot the program in command mode and I just stayed there.

    I'm not even sure if you can type in features. I would think most things you are trying to type in might not be available to type anyway.

    Understood. I might be doing better than I assumed. I thought you could type the string of code for each thing like inserting features etc. Finding that if I type the first letter of the alphabet very few things come up as a continuation of the line.
  • I think typing everything would probably take forever. There are some tips to make program creating faster. For example, you can have a template with all your comments and print commands so you don't have to recreate that for every program. Just open that template and immediately "Save As" your new program and start programming. Default measurement strategies, custom toolbars, custom icons, subroutines, external alignments, and probably to most easy to use are auto features. You can even put certain styli in the favorites tab to make making probes faster.

  • I using typing in features a lot of the time, especially move points, clearplanes, assignments, etc. Constructing/creating features and dimensioning, I use my toolbar.
  • I use it a lot just like what said above

    Press ENTER to get a new line & then start typing a command. As you already found out it will autofill in the command once you start typing it & get close.

    Once you get sued to doing it you'll find yourself doing it more & more.
  • I using typing in features a lot of the time, especially move points, clearplanes, assignments, etc. Constructing/creating features and dimensioning, I use my toolbar.

    Ditto. Some things are faster typing, some things are faster clicking.

    Some things can't even be done from typing in the edit window. You can probably get any command started with the right keywords, but you will likely have to edit the command with 'F9' to do all the configurations in a separate dialog window. And, you can't tab your way through all the dialog window fields. For example, you can't tab your way down to all the advanced settings of an auto feature dialog window. No way around it, you got to use the mouse.

    Something to look into is that you can create custom toolbars, then you can arrange the icons in whatever way works best for your needs. This helps me a lot. If you really want to optimize, learn the common shortcut keys and consider setting custom ones.