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PC-DMIS Measurement Routine Migrations

Starting with PC-DMIS 2021.2, PC-DMIS doesn’t allow loading of measurement routines created in PC-DMIS 2015 and earlier and will generate an error. See: I am getting the error message "Serialization error This version of PC-DMIS can only read measurement routines created in version...."
In PC-DMIS 2022.1, only PRG files from 2016 or newer will be allowed. This “rolling” restriction will continue with each new release of PC-DMIS.

For instance:
Installed Version Can read back to (or pull forward from)

2021.2 2015.1
2022.1 2016
Future projection:
2022.2 2017 R1
2023.1 2017 R2
2023.2 2018 R1

To use older routines with a current PC-DMIS release, you need to save all the older measurement routines to any version at least as recent as that defined by the current restrictions. This can be done one file at a time but if you have a significant number of files it can be very time-consuming. To help facilitate this process, we’ve created and shared two utilities.

Conversion Utilities for PC-DMIS (hexagonmi.com)

Utility Home : SaveMRtoRequiredVersion

This will automatically open the measurement routines and save them to the desired version. (simply opens, saves and closes routines)

Utility #2: Migration_Utility

This is a little more intelligent and performs the same task as utility 1 but also handles migration from Xactmeasure to the new, geometric tolerance command. It requires you to install the most recent service pack of 2020 R1 as well as your desired version (2020 R2 or higher). It asks you to navigate to three folders – the source folder containing your routines, a destination for routines that generate migration reports and a destination for routines that do not generate migration reports. The utility will then sort routines into the relevant destination folders making it easier for you to identify those that migrated successfully and those that require editing. Please see here for a more detailed description: Documentation. It also saves probe files associated with each routine in the current probe format.

While these utilities are being provided free of charge, there is no implied support. Please be sure to back-up all of your files before starting this process.

*** Please be sure to read the help documentation on these tools. It is brief and will often answer the very questions which we are seeing posted here.

  • Don Ruggieri

    We've tried many different folder locations for the old programs including C:\Users\Public\Documents all without success. I'm getting the same failures on my laptop and I have no admin restrictions.

    In every case in my testing, the log file reports " ***.prg didn't open properly" When I right clicked the utility and chose "run as administrator" I got the .net framework error message. Not sure what's going on there.

    The utility is a great idea and we have MANY customers who could benefit from it. Unfortunately, as things stand now, being unable to easily migrate numerous pre v2015.1 programs to v2022 is becoming a significant deterrent to selling upgrades.

    I will continue testing on my end. You assistance is greatly appreciated!
  • If you can trigger the .NET error, click on the "Details" button and copy paste that here, or take a screenshot of what the details contain.
    Hopefully, the details can say where in the migration utility it fails. But, I believe the reason for the error might be explained below.

    You need to have 2020 R1 installed for versions earlier than 2015.1:

  • I have every version of pcdmis from 2015.1 installed on my laptop, but my customer may not.

    I only ever see the .net framework error pop up when I run the utility as admin, otherwise I get the "couldn't properly open program" log error.

    I'd like to see the selection of "your chosen version" to be a little more intuitive. From what I understand, you need to run your "chosen version" as admin to set this as the version for the conversion. Correct me if I'm wrong. A dropdown selection list would be an improvement I think.

    Here is the copied details of the error message in a text file error details.txt

  • Have you tried starting 2020 R1 as admin, close it and then running the migration utility?

    It errors out trying to start the program with CLSID {F8AB340E-C31E-4AAF-8C70-B6A549B075DE} which I assume is whatever PC-DMIS version that was last executed as admin on your laptop.
    If I understood correctly, the error appears as soon as you click the Convert button (you don't see any instances of PC-DMIS open after you click Convert)?

    Is the utility able to start PC-DMIS successfully when NOT running as admin?

    Try the other migration utility as well to see if that might work better (Migration Utility Installer).
  • That worked!

    I opened 2020R1 as admin, closed it then ran the utility and was able to open the converted 2014 program in 2022. It's a few hoops to jump through but I may be able to sell it.

    Hopefully this utility gets tweaked a bit; it's a little rough around that edges at the moment.

    I'll offer this solution to my customer and update this thread with the results.

    Thanks again for the help!
  • That worked!

    I opened 2020R1 as admin, closed it then ran the utility and was able to open the converted 2014 program in 2022. It's a few hoops to jump through but I may be able to sell it.

    Hopefully this utility gets tweaked a bit; it's a little rough around that edges at the moment.

    I'll offer this solution to my customer and update this thread with the results.

    Thanks again for the help!

    No worries! Glad to have helped!
  • neil.challinor

    Regarding "Migration Utility Installer.exe", it is imperative that users don't change the default installation folder when prompted during the installation.
    It seems that all file and folder paths for the migration program is hardcoded to the default installation path and if you choose to install it to another location, the program will error out (the PDF with instructions isn't found as well as the language strings XML).

    Just a heads-up.
  • I didn't encounter any prompts during the install. I just downloaded the .exe file from here https://downloads.ms.hexagonmi.com/Utilities/PC-DMIS%20Conversion%20Utilities/SaveMRstoRequiredVersion%20Utility%20(Schema)

    It took a few seconds and to run it I just double clicked the file.

    Is there a different installer that I should be using?
  • There is another, more "meaty" migration utility, with an installer. It is said to perform the same as the first (the one you are using) but with more options and it also converts XactMeasure commands to GeoTol commands (which the first one doesn't).

    I don't know how versatile it is with programs pre-2015.1 though. You can try that as well to see if it does what you need it to do.

    But, like I wrote in the message above, do NOT change the default install location or the utility won't work.
    The first utility is just an app ready to run. The second one needs installation before you can use it.
  • Ok, thanks. I'm sure I'll be using both of these in the months and years ahead.