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we loaded 2021.2 and are now having datapage issues.

1. it is saving to the C drive of the different machines and i need it to got to the common drive so my engineer can access the data remotely

2. it is saving in two different formats on different machines despite having the same box checked (PC-DMIS STATS and .XML)

what i want is to aggregate program results in excel (or friendly) format for my engineer.


  • thanks for the help pete. downloads on the way

  • a photo worth a thousand words...

    Attached Files
  • it worked as recently as December. apparently it hasnt needed any attention for years... part of the problem really... nobody here knows anything about how it works

    it seems like the SQL may be acting up.

  • From your photos it looks like the database is fine.
    But you never answered what type of Datapage command are you using.
    From what I see my best guess is you're using different stats commands, one is the stats on and one is the external command. If this is the case then you should consider changing to using one or the other and not both.

    Now from the first image I see your directory for "Path To Monitor" just says "ForStatsFiles", this usually points to an individual user library, you should change this to "C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\DataPage+\ForStatsFiles" where the files actually exist. This should allow data importer to take the XML files from that directory and import them into the database. The reason for the two different file names is that you're most likely using both the external command and the stats/on command. The good news is that DataImporter will recognize both of those files as xml files.
  • excellent feedback. pointed. concise. thx

    we're using Stats On. and have been for years apparently. I'm new here

    good eye on the path to monitor differences. I'm comparing all the machines and finding differences across all of them. definitely get that changed right away

    thx again
  • Using stats/on, how you answer the question "Do you want to update the database" determines how files are handled.
    Yes = File is moved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\DataPage+\ForStatsFiles Also, it' gets an extension .pcdmistats which Dataimporter treats as an XML
    No = File is created and saved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\PC-DMIS and is left as XML

    Which ever dialogue you choose, data importer has to be monitoring that directory and it can't monitor two at once.

    What is more confusing is that I see a lot of PCDMISStats%DateTime%.XML which can only be generated by the external command method of stats. .XML files generated by stats on show up as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml

    There are ways to make this happen but without the external command but as far as I can remember it doesn't happen without you creating a stats transfer command. So look and see if you're also using external commands in your program too.
  • From your photos it looks like the database is fine.
    But you never answered what type of Datapage command are you using.
    From what I see my best guess is you're using different stats commands, one is the stats on and one is the external command. If this is the case then you should consider changing to using one or the other and not both.

    Now from the first image I see your directory for "Path To Monitor" just says "ForStatsFiles", this usually points to an individual user library, you should change this to "C:\Users\Public\Documents\WAI\DataPage+\ForStatsFiles" where the files actually exist. This should allow data importer to take the XML files from that directory and import them into the database. The reason for the two different file names is that you're most likely using both the external command and the stats/on command. The good news is that DataImporter will recognize both of those files as xml files.

    Bumping this old thread I found searching for the highlighted reason...

    I do have the two commands, but not all our our machines send duplicate data to DataPage. We have 4, all running 2022.2 and DP 6.0+ and it appears only two of them are duplicating data...???

    After finding this, I am planning to go remove the external command update from all of our programs, but was wondering if you could shed some light as to why some machines are sending duplicate data, but others are not?