Hi gang, long time no see. It's been a while since I played around with CMM so please take it easy on me.
I have a typical cylindrical feature, a flange with OD and a bolt hole pattern. The callout to the 8 holes is TP.005AB and composite TP.001A.
Datum A is a face and Datum B is an OD.
How do I approach the first TP callout and second?
Do I have to use BF alignment with Rotate only for the first segment or not? And how to approach the second segment? If my memory serves me right, I would have to use BF alignments with Rotate only to get the first segment, but I am not sure about the second. HELP.
What version of PC-DMIS are you using? If you are running a recent enough version (2020 R2 onward) I would strongly advise using the new geometric tolerance command.
Thanks. Can you explain to me what exactly does second segment do? Does it eliminated the rotational deviation and only captures Hole to Hole deviation?
Thanks. Can you explain to me what exactly does second segment do? Does it eliminated the rotational deviation and only captures Hole to Hole deviation?