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Custom code to reduce data entry

I wasn't sure to post this in the code section as I don't have code to share.

I'm absolutely NOT a coder nor do I want to learn anything but the basics, it just isn't my thing. However, I did learn enough python to cut data entry in half with our GOM software. I'm looking to get a few data entry fields removed in pcdmis now. Not critical, just one of those small improvements to make operator life better.

I've read that pcdmis code is 'BASIC' language based, and you can export this language somewhow. Then I've read it is written in C++ by a post by Neil and my head starts spinning. Can someone share how I export pcdmis command mode stuff into BASIC language export?

I see ASSIGN in pcdmis when I do a variable yet, in BASIC a variable is defined like so:

Dim item_number as String
item_number = "S-12345"

If I drop stuff like the above into pcdmis command mode is it going to understand it? Did I read correctly that is understands BASIC language. I don't feel like dealing with pulling Python programs into the dmis.



  • Thanks for the writeup...I will have a look at the helpfile. This is more in depth than I thought and perhaps outside my comfort level at the moment. You said it best stating 'don't do this until you understand the script yourself'. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

    I'm going to table this for the time being. I have to get all our programs on GOM setup for new python scripts and then I will tackle this. GOM is nice in that I can simply import a script in one line and pretty much just call in that variable. I'm sure the framework of how to do this will make more sense once I read the helpfile and get a better understanding on what skills I need to learn.

    Thank you, and I'm sure we will be chatting again later on....

  • Thanks for the writeup...I will have a look at the helpfile. This is more in depth than I thought and perhaps outside my comfort level at the moment. You said it best stating 'don't do this until you understand the script yourself'. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

    I'm going to table this for the time being. I have to get all our programs on GOM setup for new python scripts and then I will tackle this. GOM is nice in that I can simply import a script in one line and pretty much just call in that variable. I'm sure the framework of how to do this will make more sense once I read the helpfile and get a better understanding on what skills I need to learn.

    Thank you, and I'm sure we will be chatting again later on....
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