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Good day,
what do you mean by "run" ? read or write? It doesn't really make a difference, you can't determine from which source a variable was written, you can only read out the content.
It is also not possible to determine whether a measurement program was started by pcDMIS itself or by automation, if that's what you meant.
You can maybe create a second variable and write it there if the first one was changed by automation, maybe that will help.
Good day,
what do you mean by "run" ? read or write? It doesn't really make a difference, you can't determine from which source a variable was written, you can only read out the content.
It is also not possible to determine whether a measurement program was started by pcDMIS itself or by automation, if that's what you meant.
You can maybe create a second variable and write it there if the first one was changed by automation, maybe that will help.
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