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tr_hwerr cpu fail error ditto. Waiting on Support to call back. I thought I'd check the forums.
Nexus (HXgN) has hidden the forums so deep, then there wasn't a magnifying glass to search!? What kind of forum is this? lol
So my error happens intermittently but has been increasing frequency throughout the day. Now the B&S global ancient machine is unresponsive. I cannot home the machine; I cannot open a program (offline either) because PCDMIS wants a CMM present. annoying.
I found a bad cable running off the JOG BOX. This was the likely culprit. I'm googling rs-232/485/422 cables now to find a good repair option. Good Luck everyone who makes it this far
tr_hwerr cpu fail error ditto. Waiting on Support to call back. I thought I'd check the forums.
Nexus (HXgN) has hidden the forums so deep, then there wasn't a magnifying glass to search!? What kind of forum is this? lol
So my error happens intermittently but has been increasing frequency throughout the day. Now the B&S global ancient machine is unresponsive. I cannot home the machine; I cannot open a program (offline either) because PCDMIS wants a CMM present. annoying.
I found a bad cable running off the JOG BOX. This was the likely culprit. I'm googling rs-232/485/422 cables now to find a good repair option. Good Luck everyone who makes it this far
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