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Have the roundness of an auto-circle in a variable

Hi there,

I am trying to have the roundness of an auto-element in a variable. I cannot use a dimension as I have 30,000 circles and try to export all of these roudnesses via a script to a txt file.

Does anyone knows how to call the roundness of an auto-circle into a variable?

Thanks in advance.
  • Found a way to get the value into a variable: CDbl(DmisCommand.GetTextEx(DIM_DEVIATION, 1, "SEG=1")).

    Still need to change that the script is not inserting the roundness dimension into the measurement routine...
  • Hello,

    it's not that easy. You can insert the roundness evaluation with a script, but I'm not sure if it then calculates this command correctly (within the runtime of the script).

    Excuse the question: but is it possible for you to evaluate the roundness with a pcDMIS loop and write the result straight into a CSV file? (i mean without the script altogether)​
    you just have to slightly adapt the above example from me

    this is how you can extract the measuring points from a "CONTACT_CIRCLE_FEATURE":
    (this does not work with "MEASURED_CIRCLE")

    MEAS_X, 0 -> center of the circle
    MEAS_X, 1 -> center of point 1
    MEAS_X, 2 -> center of point 2 (and so on)
    mX1 = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_X, 1)
    mY1 = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Y, 1)
    mZ1 = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Z, 1)​
    mX2 = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_X, 2)
    mY2 = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Y, 2)
    mZ2 = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Z, 2)​​

    With this points you can then calculate the roundness, the formula for this has already been posted by @ ​.
    (I do not know which exact calculation method pcDMIS uses, therefore the results could differ to pcDMIS)
  • Hi , thanks for the help! I've tried your suggestion with the DO/WHILE function within PC-DMIS, however, this will take a lot of time as PC-DMIS will need at least 1,5 hours to run 30,000 elements. Also, it will possibly freeze after a certain number as it gets slower in the loop.

    I'll try your suggestion. Do you know how to use the DOT function with BASIC script? If I place DOT, then the BASIC script will not recognize it.
  • Hello,

    I haven't tested it, forgive me if there's a typo somewhere​
    (works only with "CONTACT_CIRCLE_FEATURE")

    ' Dim Something
    Dim iPointCount As Integer
    Dim iCount As Integer
    Dim dVectorX, dVectorY, dVectorZ As Double
    Dim dRadius As Double
    Dim dMax, dMin, dRound As Double
    ' Center from Cirle
    CirCenterX = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_X, 0)
    CirCenterY = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Y, 0)
    CirCenterZ = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Z, 0)
    iPointCount = PCDCommand.GetText(N_HITS, 0)
    ' each Point
    For iCount = 1 To iPointCount
    ' Vector "CIR1.HIT[1..CIR1.NUMHITS].XYZ-CIR1.XYZ"
    dVectorX = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_X, iCount) - CirCenterX
    dVectorY = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Y, iCount) - CirCenterY
    dVectorZ = PCDCommand.GetText(MEAS_Z, iCount) - CirCenterZ
    ' Radius from each point "SQRT(DOT())"
    dRadius = Sqr((dVectorX * dVectorX) + (dVectorY * dVectorY) + (dVectorZ * dVectorZ))
    ' remember max min "MAX(V1)"
    If iCount = 1 Then
    dMax = dRadius
    dMin = dRadius
    End If
    If dMax < dRadius Then dMax = dRadius
    If dMin > dRadius Then dMin = dRadius
    Next iCount
    ' result "ROUNDNESS=MAX(V1)-MIN(V1)"
    dRound = dMax - dMin​
  • I forgot
    Dim CirCenterX, CirCenterY, CirCenterZ As Double
  • Hi ,

    Thanks for the code. Real effort here! I tried it and needed to change the iPointCount to iPointCount = DmisCommand.FeatureCommand.NumHits

    However, I still don't get the roundness value. I've investigated it and saw that the underneath part of the code doesn't take the hits from the feature. I found out, like you said, that it works only for CONTACT_CIRCLE_FEATURE, but I'm using the Camera for the measurement. Do you know what to do in order to change for the camera?

    For iCount = 1 To iPointCount
    ' Vector "CIR1.HIT[1..CIR1.NUMHITS].XYZ-CIR1.XYZ"
    dVectorX = DmisCommand.GetText(MEAS_X, iCount) - CirCenterX
    dVectorY = DmisCommand.GetText(MEAS_Y, iCount) - CirCenterY
    dVectorZ = DmisCommand.GetText(MEAS_Z, iCount) - CirCenterZ
    MsgBox dVectorX & " " & dVectorY & " " & dVectorZ

    I checked with the Tactile probing, but the roundness was different bij 0.2 between PC-DMIS GeoTol calculation. ​
  • Differences were to be expected, pcDMIS uses a different calculation method.
    Still sounds like too much difference, Maybe I misinterpreted 's formula...?

    as long as it's a "CONTACT CIRCLE FEATURE" or "auto circle" it should work.
    for "mesured circles" it has to be written differently to get the points
    You can also use a "constructed circle", but it has to be written differently too, because the data objects are structured differently.​

    do you use a scanner?
    if so, can't you create a surface profile?​
  • Hi , I'm using a Zoom camera

    I found a different way perhaps. What do you think about this.

    In PC-DMIS I have the following.

    AS        NOM       +TOL       -TOL       METG        AFW     BUITOL
    RN       0.000      0.050      0.000      0.009      0.009      0.000 -#-------

    Above you'll see that I have a Location Dimension called LOC1 and this calculates the roundness. Within the script I need to change the REF_ID and then extract the DIM_MEASURED. Put this in the loop, and it should give me the roundness values?!

    I tried doing with the following, but it didn't work.

    '' insert the REF_ID
    retval = LOC1.PutText ("iCnt", REF_ID, 0)
    '' Retrieve the value in the variable
    dRound = LOC1.GetText (DIM_MEASURED, 0)

    Do you know how I can have it to work?

  • Try this...

    Dim DmisApp As Object
    Dim DmisPart As Object
    Dim DmisCommands As Object
    Dim DmisCommand As Object
    Dim FCmd As Object
    Sub Main(OutputFileNameAndPath)
      Set DmisApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
      Set DmisPart = DmisApp.ActivePartProgram
      Set DmisCommands = DmisPart.Commands
      CommandCount = DmisCommands.Count
      Set DmisCommand = DmisCommands.Item(CommandCount)
      Open OutputFileNameAndPath For Output As #1
      For Each DmisCommand In DmisCommands
        If DmisCommand.IsFeature Then
          If DmisCommand.Type = 612 Or DmisCommand =202 Then' (612 = auto circle, 202 = measured circle.  Using the numeric reference rather than text makes it language independent)
              Set FCmd = DmisCommand.FeatureCommand
                Print #1, DmisCommand.Id & chr(44) & FCmd.GetFormError()
          End If
        End If
      Next DmisCommand
      Close #1
    End Sub

    It reads the form error directly from the feature and writes it out to a file. Save as a .bas and then insert as a basic script command at the end of your routine. You need to specify the full path and file name for your output file as ARG1 like this...


    Note, this was for a routine using a touch trigger probe. I just noticed in a previous post that you said you were using vision so you will need to change the DmisCommand.Type. I believe 245 is a vision auto circle.
  • I didn't know that there were other data types for vision
    (VISION_CIRCLE_FEATURE = 245 according to the help file)