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Not at the End

Good afternoon,

We are trying to do a linear open scan across a curved surface. When we click on generate, we can't get the path to meet up with the last "point". We are running PCDMIS 2021 on a global silver machine, with Renishaw probes.

Any suggestions?


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  • You've been unintentionally misled by a couple of the comments. The cut vector needs to be an X vector (either 1,0,0 or -1,0,0).

    The cut plane is in effect the cross section of the scan.

    The plane vector needs to be in your case a Y vector. (0,1,0 or 0,-1,0). The plane vector is a plane passing through your end point (no. 2) and when the probe passes through this plane it will stop (depending on the number of passes specified) so for 1 it will stop after paying through it once, 2 it would stop after paying through it twice etc
  • Have amended my post you are correct should have said cutvec, its strange at the time was thinking it should be cutvec putting it down to age.
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